;;; org-init.el --- Org initialization ;; Copyright (C) 2012 Tom Willemse ;; Author: Tom Willemse ;; Keywords: ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;;; Code: (require 'appt) (require 'org-habit) (require 'org-protocol) (eval-after-load "org" '(require 'org-contacts nil :noerror)) (eval-when-compile (require 'desktop) (require 'org-capture)) (autoload 'org-clocking-p "org-clock") (with-eval-after-load 'org-crypt (org-crypt-use-before-save-magic)) (eval-and-compile (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/vendor-lisp/habitrpg.el")) (defun tagify (str) "Remove dots, replace - with _ in STR." (replace-regexp-in-string "-" "_" (replace-regexp-in-string "\\." "" (downcase str)))) (defun oni:color-for (object) "Generate a hex color by taking the first 6 characters of OBJECT's MD5 sum." (format "#%s" (substring (md5 object) 0 6))) (defun oni:org-colors-for (names) "Create an alist for NAMES with corresponding colors." (mapcar (lambda (name) (cons name (oni:color-for name))) names)) (defun oni:note-template () (concat "* %<%c>\n" " :DIRECTORY: =" default-directory "=\n" (when (buffer-file-name) " :FILE: [[file:%F][%F]]\n") (when (org-clocking-p) " :TASK: %K\n") "\n %?")) (defun oni:org-maybe-outline-path () (let ((outline-path (org-format-outline-path (org-get-outline-path)))) (unless (string= outline-path "") (setq outline-path (concat "[ " outline-path " ] "))) outline-path)) (defun org-init-skip-tags () "Skip the \"ex\" and \"unconfirmed\" tags." (let ((tags (org-get-tags-at (point)))) (when (or (member "ex" tags) (member "unconfirmed" tags)) (save-excursion (or (ignore-errors (org-forward-element) (point)) (point-max)))))) (defun org-init-get-tag-name () "Get the name for a new tag for the currently loaded desktop." (let ((dname (desktop-registry-current-desktop))) (if dname (let ((tag (read-string "Tag(s): " (tagify dname)))) (if (not (string= tag "")) (format ":%s:" tag) "")) ""))) (setq org-agenda-cmp-user-defined (lambda (a b) 1)) (setq org-agenda-prefix-format '((agenda . " %i %-12:c%?-12t% s") (timeline . " % s") (todo . " %i %-12:c %(oni:org-maybe-outline-path)") (tags . " %i %-12:c %(oni:org-maybe-outline-path)") (search . " %i %-12:c"))) (setq org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((agenda habit-down time-up priority-down category-keep) (todo priority-down user-defined-down) (tags priority-down category-keep) (search category-keep))) (setq org-agenda-tags-column (1+ (- (window-width)))) (setq org-directory (expand-file-name "~/documents/org")) (setq org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "/org")) (setq org-capture-templates `(("t" "Task" entry (file+headline "~/documents/org/tasks" "Inbox") "* TODO %? %(org-init-get-tag-name)" :empty-lines-before 1) ("T" "Linked task" entry (file "~/documents/org/tasks" "Inbox") "* TODO %? %(org-init-get-tag-name)\n\n %a" :empty-lines-before 1) ("a" "Appointment" entry (file "~/documents/org/tasks" "Inbox") "* %?\n %^T\n\n %a" :empty-lines-before 1) ("n" "General note" entry (file ,org-default-notes-file) (function oni:note-template) :empty-lines-before 1) ("l" "Log entry" entry (file+datetree "~/documents/org/log.org") "* %<%c>\n <%<%Y-%m-%d %H:%M>>\n\n %?" :empty-lines-before 1))) (setq org-contacts-files '("~/documents/org/misc/contacts.org")) (setq org-agenda-show-outline-path nil) (setq org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines 'far) (setq org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled t) (setq org-export-htmlize-output-type 'css) (setq org-feed-alist '(("MyEpisodes" "http://www.myepisodes.com/rss.php?feed=mylist&uid=Slash&pwdmd5=04028968e1f0b7ee678b748a4320ac17" "~/documents/org/tasks" "MyEpisodes" :formatter oni:myepisodes-formatter))) (setq org-fontify-done-headline t) (setq org-hide-emphasis-markers t) (setq org-outline-path-complete-in-steps t) (setq org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes t) (setq org-refile-use-outline-path 'file) (setq org-return-follows-link t) (setq org-src-fontify-natively t) (setq org-tags-column (- 70)) (setq org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance '("crypt")) (setq org-todo-keyword-faces (oni:org-colors-for '("TODO" "WIP" "DONE" "CANCELLED" "FAILED" "ACQUIRE" "IGNORED" "COMMENT" "GOT"))) (setq org-tag-faces (oni:org-colors-for '("aethon" "noexport" "tv" "myaethon2" "dailies" "ex" "maintenance" "housework" "cdispass" "clark" "emacsd" "eye_on_manga" "kaarvok" "silbot" "myaethon" "hypo" "unconfirmed" "gitto" "urxvt_modeline" "scrumli" "clark_conkeror" "git_auto_commit_mode" "mode_icons" "dispassel" "hypo_emacs" "hypo_cli" "conkeror" "transient_navigation" "pkgbuilds" "edocs" "cask" "fiplr" "avandu" "gitolite_admin" "yoshi_theme" "dvdroid" "commit_check" "imsleepy" "indent_shift" "work" "picturefix"))) (setq org-use-fast-todo-selection t) (setq org-agenda-skip-function-global 'org-init-skip-tags) (setq org-use-property-inheritance '("slug")) (setq org-M-RET-may-split-line '((default . t) (headline))) (setq org-insert-heading-respect-content t) (setf (cdar org-blank-before-new-entry) t) (add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook 'org-agenda-to-appt) (add-to-list 'org-modules 'habit) (org-agenda-to-appt) (ad-activate 'org-agenda-redo) (setq org-mobile-directory "~/ownCloud/MobileOrg" org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/documents/org/inbox.org") (setq org-extend-today-until 4) (provide 'org-init) ;;; org-init.el ends here