-- -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @author Nicolas Berthier <nberthier@gmail.com> -- @copyright 2010 Nicolas Berthier -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- This is a module for defining keychains à la emacs in awesome. I was also -- inspired by ion3 behavior when designing it. -- -- Remarks: -- -- - This module does not handle `release' key bindings, but is it useful for -- keychains? -- -- - It has not been tested with multiple screens yet. -- -- - There might (... must) be incompatibilities with the shifty module. Also, -- defining global and per-client keychains with the same prefix is not -- allowed (or leads to unspecified behaviors... --- in practice: the -- per-client ones are ignored). However, I do think separation of per-client -- and global keys is a bad idea if client keys do not have a higher priority -- than the global ones... -- -- Example usage: see `rc.lua' file. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --{{{ Grab environment (mostly aliases) local setmetatable = setmetatable local ipairs = ipairs local type = type local pairs = pairs local string = string local print = print local error = error local io = io local capi = capi local client = client local awesome = awesome local root = root local akey = require ("awful.key") local join = awful.util.table.join local clone = awful.util.table.clone --}}} module ("keychain") -- Privata data: we use weak keys in order to allow collection of private data -- if keys (clients) are collected (i.e., no longer used, after having been -- killed for instance) local data = setmetatable ({}, { __mode = 'k' }) --{{{ Functional Tuples -- see http://lua-users.org/wiki/FunctionalTuples for details --- Creates a keystroke representation to fill the `escape' table configuration --- property. -- @param m Modifiers table. -- @param k The key itself. -- @return A keystroke representation (only for the escape sequence, for now?). function keystroke (m, k) if type (m) ~= "table" then error ("Keystroke modifiers must be given a table (got a ".. type (m)..")") end if type (k) ~= "string" then error ("Keystroke key must be given a string (got a ".. type (m)..")") end return function (fn) return fn (m, k) end end -- keystroke accessors local function ks_mod (_m, _k) return _m end local function ks_key (_m, _k) return _k end -- --- --- Creates a final keychain binding to fill the keychain binding tables, --- meaning that the given function will be executed at the end of the keychain. -- @param m Modifiers table. -- @param k The key. -- @param cont The function to be bound to the given keys. -- @return A "final" key binding. function key (m, k, cont) if type (cont) ~= "function" then error ("Final binding must be given a function (got a ".. type (cont)..")") end return function (fn) return fn (keystroke (m, k), cont, true) end end --- Creates an intermediate (prefix) keychain binding. -- @param m Modifiers table. -- @param k The key. -- @param sub The subchain description table to be bound to the given keys. -- @return An "intermediate" key binding. function subchain (m, k, sub) if type (sub) ~= "table" then error ("Subchain binding must be given a table (got a ".. type (sub)..")") end return function (fn) return fn (keystroke (m, k), sub, false) end end -- key/subchain binding accessors local function binding_ks (ks, cont, leaf) return ks end local function binding_cont (ks, cont, leaf) return cont end local function binding_leaf (ks, cont, leaf) return leaf end --- Creates an intermediate keychain if sub is a table, or a final key binding --- otherwise (and then sub must be a function). -- @param m Modifiers table. -- @param k The key. -- @param sub Either the subchain description table, or the function, to be -- bound to the given keys. function sub (m, k, sub) if type (sub) == "table" then return subchain (m, k, sub) else return key (m, k, sub) end end --}}} --{{{ Default values --- Default escape sequences (S-g is inspired by emacs...) local escape_keystrokes = { keystroke ( { }, "Escape" ), keystroke ( { "Mod4" }, "g" ), } --}}} --{{{ Key table management facilities local function set_keys (c, k) if c == root then root.keys (k) else c:keys (k) end end local function keys_of (c) if c == root then return root.keys () else return c:keys () end end --}}} --{{{ Signal emission helper local function notif (sig, w, ...) if w ~= root then client.emit_signal (sig, w, ...) else -- we use global signals otherwise awesome.emit_signal (sig, ...) end end --}}} --{{{ Client/Root-related state management local function init_client_state_maybe (w) if data[w] == nil then local d = { } d.keys = keys_of (w) -- save client keys data[w] = d -- register client notif ("keychain::enter", w) end end local function restore_client_state (c) local w = c or root local d = data[w] -- XXX: Turns out that `d' can be nil already here, in case the keyboard has -- been grabbed since the previous call to this funtion... (that also seems -- to be called again upon release…) if d then set_keys (w, d.keys) -- restore client keys data[w] = nil -- unregister client end end local function leave (c) local w = c or root -- Destroy notifier structures if needed if data[w] then -- XXX: necessary test? notif ("keychain::leave", w) end end -- force disposal of resources when clients are killed client.add_signal ("unmanage", leave) --}}} --{{{ Key binding tree access helpers local function make_on_entering (m, k, subchain) return function (c) local w = c or root -- Register and initialize client state, if not already in a keychain init_client_state_maybe (w) -- Update notifier text, and trigger its drawing if necessary notif ("keychain::append", w, m, k) -- Setup subchain set_keys (w, subchain) end end local function on_leaving (c) -- Trigger disposal routine leave (c) -- Restore initial key mapping of client restore_client_state (c) end --}}} --{{{ Configuration -- Flag to detect late initialization error local already_used = false -- Escape binding table built once upon initialization local escape_bindings = { } --- Fills the escape bindings table with actual `awful.key' elements triggering --- execution of `on_leaving'. local function init_escape_bindings () escape_bindings = { } for _, e in ipairs (escape_keystrokes) do escape_bindings = join (escape_bindings, akey (e (ks_mod), e (ks_key), on_leaving)) end end -- Call it once upon module loading to initialize escape_bindings (in case -- `init' is not called). init_escape_bindings () --- Initializes the keychain module, with given properties; to be called before --- ANY other function of this module. -- Configurations fields include: -- -- `escapes': A table of keystrokes (@see keychain.keystroke) escaping keychains -- (defaults are `Mod4-g' and `Escape'). -- -- @param c The table of properties. function init (c) local c = c or { } if already_used then -- heum... just signal the error: "print" or "error"? return print ("E: keychain: Call to `init' AFTER having bound keys!") end escape_keystrokes = c.escapes and c.escapes or escape_keystrokes -- Now, fill the escape bindings table again with actual `awful.key' -- elements triggering `on_leaving' executions, in case escape keys has -- changed. init_escape_bindings () end --}}} --{{{ Keychain creation --- Creates a new keychain binding. -- @param m Modifiers table. -- @param k The key. -- @param chains A table of keychains, describing either final bindings (see -- key constructor) or subchains (see subchain constructor). If arg is not a -- table, then `awful.key' is called directly with the arguments. -- @return A key binding for the `awful.key' module. -- @see awful.key function new (m, k, chains) -- If the argument is a function, then we need to return an actual awful.key -- directly. if type (chains) ~= "table" then return akey (m, k, chains) end -- This table will contain the keys to be mapped upon keystroke. It -- initially contains the escape bindings, so that one can still rebind them -- differently in `chains'. local subchain = clone (escape_bindings) already_used = true -- subsequent init avoidance flag... -- For each entry of the given chains, add a corresponding `awful.key' -- element in the subchain for _, e in ipairs (chains) do local ks = e (binding_ks) if e (binding_leaf) then -- We encountered a leaf in the chains. local function on_leaf (c) on_leaving (c); e (binding_cont) (c) end subchain = join (subchain, akey (ks (ks_mod), ks (ks_key), on_leaf)) else -- Recursively call subchain creation. "Funny" detail: I think there -- is no way of creating ill-structured keychain descriptors that -- would produce infinite recursive calls here, since we control -- their creation with functional tuples, that cannot lead to cyclic -- structures... local subch = new (ks (ks_mod), ks (ks_key), e (binding_cont)) subchain = join (subchain, subch) end end -- Then return an actual `awful.key', triggering the `on_entering' routine return akey (m, k, make_on_entering (m, k, subchain)) end --}}} -- Setup `__call' entry in module's metatable so that we can create new prefix -- binding using `keychain (m, k, ...)' directly. setmetatable (_M, { __call = function (_, ...) return new (...) end }) -- Local variables: -- indent-tabs-mode: nil -- fill-column: 80 -- lua-indent-level: 4 -- End: -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=80