From 722c13a8fc093bc67b9be444547571d544cb79a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tom Willemsen Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 20:59:12 +0200 Subject: Switched over from dotemacs to doteverything --- .emacs.d/ac-dict/c++-mode | 74 ++++ .emacs.d/ac-dict/c-mode | 37 ++ .emacs.d/ac-dict/clojure-mode | 475 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ .emacs.d/ac-dict/css-mode | 747 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .emacs.d/ac-dict/java-mode | 50 +++ .emacs.d/ac-dict/javascript-mode | 148 ++++++++ .emacs.d/ac-dict/php-mode | 62 ++++ .emacs.d/ac-dict/python-mode | 104 ++++++ .emacs.d/ac-dict/ruby-mode | 181 ++++++++++ .emacs.d/ac-dict/scheme-mode | 216 +++++++++++ .emacs.d/ac-dict/tcl-mode | 172 +++++++++ 11 files changed, 2266 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .emacs.d/ac-dict/c++-mode create mode 100644 .emacs.d/ac-dict/c-mode create mode 100644 .emacs.d/ac-dict/clojure-mode create mode 100644 .emacs.d/ac-dict/css-mode create mode 100644 .emacs.d/ac-dict/java-mode create mode 100644 .emacs.d/ac-dict/javascript-mode create mode 100644 .emacs.d/ac-dict/php-mode create mode 100644 .emacs.d/ac-dict/python-mode create mode 100644 .emacs.d/ac-dict/ruby-mode create mode 100644 .emacs.d/ac-dict/scheme-mode create mode 100644 .emacs.d/ac-dict/tcl-mode (limited to '.emacs.d/ac-dict') diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/c++-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/c++-mode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3cd8ae --- /dev/null +++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/c++-mode @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +and +and_eq +asm +auto +bitand +bitor +bool +break +case +catch +char +class +compl +const +const_cast +continue +default +delete +do +double +dynamic_cast +else +enum +explicit +export +extern +false +float +for +friend +goto +if +inline +int +long +mutable +namespace +new +not +not_eq +operator +or +or_eq +private +protected +public +register +reinterpret_cast +return +short +signed +sizeof +static +static_cast +struct +switch +template +this +throw +true +try +typedef +typeid +typename +union +unsigned +using +virtual +void +volatile +wchar_t +while +xor +xor_eq diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/c-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/c-mode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..496f904 --- /dev/null +++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/c-mode @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +auto +_Bool +break +case +char +_Complex +const +continue +default +do +double +else +enum +extern +float +for +goto +if +_Imaginary +inline +int +long +register +restrict +return +short +signed +sizeof +static +struct +switch +typedef +union +unsigned +void +volatile +while diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/clojure-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/clojure-mode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16348ed --- /dev/null +++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/clojure-mode @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +*agent* +*clojure-version* +*command-line-args* +*compile-files* +*compile-path* +*err* +*file* +*flush-on-newline* +*in* +*ns* +*out* +*print-dup* +*print-length* +*print-level* +*print-meta* +*print-readably* +*read-eval* +*warn-on-reflection* +accessor +aclone +add-classpath +add-watch +agent +agent-error +agent-errors +aget +alength +alias +all-ns +alter +alter-meta! +alter-var-root +amap +ancestors +and +apply +areduce +array-map +aset +aset-boolean +aset-byte +aset-char +aset-double +aset-float +aset-int +aset-long +aset-short +assert +assoc +assoc! +assoc-in +associative? +atom +await +await-for +bases +bean +bigdec +bigint +binding +bit-and +bit-and-not +bit-clear +bit-flip +bit-not +bit-or +bit-set +bit-shift-left +bit-shift-right +bit-test +bit-xor +boolean +boolean-array +booleans +bound-fn +bound-fn* +butlast +byte +byte-array +bytes +case +cast +char +char-array +char-escape-string +char-name-string +char? +chars +class +class? +clear-agent-errors +clojure-version +coll? +comment +commute +comp +comparator +compare +compare-and-set! +compile +complement +concat +cond +condp +conj +conj! +cons +constantly +construct-proxy +contains? +count +counted? +create-ns +create-struct +cycle +dec +decimal? +declare +definline +defmacro +defmethod +defmulti +defn +defn- +defonce +defprotocol +defstruct +deftype +delay +delay? +deliver +deref +derive +descendants +disj +disj! +dissoc +dissoc! +distinct +distinct? +doall +doc +dorun +doseq +dosync +dotimes +doto +double +double-array +doubles +drop +drop-last +drop-while +dtype +empty +empty? +ensure +enumeration-seq +error-handler +error-mode +eval +even? +every? +extend +extend-class +extend-protocol +extend-type +extenders +extends? +false? +ffirst +file-seq +filter +find +find-doc +find-ns +find-var +first +float +float-array +float? +floats +flush +fn +fn? +fnext +for +force +format +future +future-call +future-cancel +future-cancelled? +future-done? +future? +gen-class +gen-interface +gensym +get +get-in +get-method +get-proxy-class +get-thread-bindings +get-validator +hash +hash-map +hash-set +identical? +identity +if-let +if-not +ifn? +import +in-ns +inc +init-proxy +instance? +int +int-array +integer? +interleave +intern +interpose +into +into-array +ints +io! +isa? +iterate +iterator-seq +juxt +key +keys +keyword +keyword? +last +lazy-cat +lazy-seq +let +letfn +line-seq +list +list* +list? +load +load-file +load-reader +load-string +loaded-libs +locking +long +long-array +longs +loop +macroexpand +macroexpand-1 +make-array +make-hierarchy +map +map? +mapcat +max +max-key +memfn +memoize +merge +merge-with +meta +methods +min +min-key +mod +name +namespace +neg? +newline +next +nfirst +nil? +nnext +not +not-any? +not-empty +not-every? +not= +ns +ns-aliases +ns-imports +ns-interns +ns-map +ns-name +ns-publics +ns-refers +ns-resolve +ns-unalias +ns-unmap +nth +nthnext +num +number? +object-array +odd? +or +parents +partial +partition +pcalls +peek +persistent! +pmap +pop +pop! +pop-thread-bindings +pos? +pr +pr-str +prefer-method +prefers +print +print-namespace-doc +print-str +printf +println +println-str +prn +prn-str +promise +proxy +proxy-mappings +proxy-super +push-thread-bindings +pvalues +quot +rand +rand-int +range +ratio? +rationalize +re-find +re-groups +re-matcher +re-matches +re-pattern +re-seq +read +read-line +read-string +reduce +ref +ref-history-count +ref-max-history +ref-min-history +ref-set +refer +refer-clojure +reify +release-pending-sends +rem +remove +remove-method +remove-ns +remove-watch +repeat +repeatedly +replace +replicate +require +reset! +reset-meta! +resolve +rest +restart-agent +resultset-seq +reverse +reversible? +rseq +rsubseq +satisfies? +second +select-keys +send +send-off +seq +seq? +seque +sequence +sequential? +set +set-error-handler! +set-error-mode! +set-validator! +set? +short +short-array +shorts +shutdown-agents +slurp +some +sort +sort-by +sorted-map +sorted-map-by +sorted-set +sorted-set-by +sorted? +special-form-anchor +special-symbol? +split-at +split-with +str +stream? +string? +struct +struct-map +subs +subseq +subvec +supers +swap! +symbol +symbol? +sync +syntax-symbol-anchor +take +take-last +take-nth +take-while +test +the-ns +time +to-array +to-array-2d +trampoline +transient +tree-seq +true? +type +unchecked-add +unchecked-dec +unchecked-divide +unchecked-inc +unchecked-multiply +unchecked-negate +unchecked-remainder +unchecked-subtract +underive +update-in +update-proxy +use +val +vals +var-get +var-set +var? +vary-meta +vec +vector +vector-of +vector? +when +when-first +when-let +when-not +while +with-bindings +with-bindings* +with-in-str +with-local-vars +with-meta +with-open +with-out-str +with-precision +xml-seq +zero? +zipmap \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/css-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/css-mode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ec8f7d --- /dev/null +++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/css-mode @@ -0,0 +1,747 @@ +!important +ActiveBorder +ActiveCaption +Alpha +AppWorkspace +Background +Barn +BasicImage +Blinds +Blur +ButtonFace +ButtonHighlight +ButtonShadow +ButtonText +CaptionText +CheckerBoard +Chroma +Compositor +CradientWipe +DXImageTransform +DropShadow +Emboss +Engrave +Fade +FlipH +FlipV +Glow +Gray +GrayText +Highlight +HighlightText +Hz +ICMFilter +InactiveBorder +InactiveCaption +InactiveCaptionText +InfoBackground +InfoText +Inset +Invert +Iris +Light +MaskFilter +Matrix +Menu +MenuText +Microsoft +MotionBlur +Pixelate +RadialWipe +RandomBars +RandomDissolve +RevealTrans +Scrollbar +Shadow +Slide +Spiral +Stretch +Strips +ThreeDDarkShadow +ThreeDFace +ThreeDHighlight +ThreeDLightShadow +ThreeDShadow +Wave +Wheel +Window +WindowFrame +WindowText +Xray +Zigzag +_azimuth +_background +_background-position-x +_background-position-y +_border +_bottom +_caption +_clear +_clip +_color +_content +_counter +_cue +_cursor +_direction +_display +_elevation +_empty +_filter +_filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft +_float +_font +_height +_ime +_ime-mode +_layout +_layout-flow +_layout-grid +_layout-grid-char +_layout-grid-line +_layout-grid-mode +_layout-grid-type +_left +_letter +_line +_line-break +_list +_margin +_orphans +_outline +_overflow +_overflow-x +_overflow-y +_padding +_page +_pause +_pitch +_play +_position +_quotes +_richness +_right +_ruby +_ruby-align +_ruby-overhang +_ruby-position +_scrollbar +_scrollbar-3dlight-color +_scrollbar-arrow-color +_scrollbar-base-color +_scrollbar-darkshadow-color +_scrollbar-face-color +_scrollbar-highlight-color +_scrollbar-track-color +_speak +_speech +_stress +_table +_text +_text-align-last +_text-autospace +_text-justify +_text-kashida-space +_text-overflow +_text-underline-position +_top +_unicode +_vertical +_visibility +_voice +_volume +_white +_widows +_width +_word +_word-break +_word-wrap +_writing +_writing-mode +_z +_zoom +above +active +adjust +after +aliceblue +align +always +antiquewhite +aqua +aquamarine +armenian +arrow +attachment +auto +autospace +avoid +azimuth +azure +background +background-attachment +background-color +background-image +background-position +background-repeat +bar +base +baseline +before +behind +beige +below +bidi +bidi-override +bisque +black +blanchedalmond +blink +block +blue +blueviolet +bold +bolder +border +border-bottom +border-bottom-color +border-bottom-style +border-bottom-width +border-collapse +border-color +border-left +border-left-color +border-left-style +border-left-width +border-right +border-right-color +border-right-style +border-right-width +border-spacing +border-style +border-top +border-top-color +border-top-style +border-top-width +border-width +both +bottom +box +break +brown +burlwood +cadetblue +capitalize +caps +caption +caption-side +cell +cells +center +center-left +center-right +char +chartreuse +chocolate +circle +cjk +cjk-ideographic +clear +clip +close +close-quote +cm +code +collapse +color +column +compact +condensed +content +continuous +coral +cornflowerblue +cornsilk +counter +counter-increment +counter-reset +crimson +crop +cross +crosshair +cue +cue-after +cue-before +cursive +cursor +cyan +darkblue +darkcyan +darkgoldenrod +darkgray +darkgreen +darkkhaki +darkmagenta +darkolivegreen +darkorange +darkorchid +darkred +darksalmon +darkseagreen +darkshadow +darkslateblue +darkslategray +darkturquoise +darkviolet +dashed +decimal +decimal-leading-zero +decoration +deeppink +deepskyblue +default +deg +digits +dimgray +direction +disc +display +dodgerblue +dotted +double +during +e +e-resize +elevation +em +embed +empty +empty-cells +ex +expanded +extra +extra-condensed +extra-expanded +face +family +fantasy +far +far-left +far-right +fast +faster +firebrick +first +first-child +first-letter +first-line +fixed +float +floralwhite +flow +focus +font +font-family +font-size +font-size-adjust +font-stretch +font-style +font-variant +font-weight +footer +forestgreen +fuchsia +gainsboro +georgian +ghostwhite +gold +goldenrod +gray +greek +green +greenyellow +grid +groove +group +header +hebrew +height +help +hidden +hide +high +higher +hiragana +hiragana-iroha +honeydew +hotpink +hover +icon +ideographic +image +in +increment +indent +index +indianred +indigo +inherit +inline +inline-block +inline-table +inset +inside +iroha +italic +item +ivory +justify +kHz +kashida +katakana +katakana-iroha +khaki +landscape +lang() +large +larger +last +latin +lavender +lavenderblush +lawngreen +layout +leading +left +left-side +leftwards +lenonchiffon +letter +letter-spacing +level +lightblue +lightcoral +lightcyan +lighter +lightgoldenrodyellow +lightgray +lightgreen +lightgrey +lightpink +lightsalmon +lightseagreen +lightskyblue +lightslategray +lightsteelblue +lightyellow +lime +limegreen +line +line-height +line-through +linen +link +list +list-item +list-style +list-style-image +list-style-position +list-style-type +loud +low +lower +lower-alpha +lower-greek +lower-latin +lower-roman +lowercase +ltr +magenta +margin +margin-bottom +margin-left +margin-right +margin-top +marker +marker-offset +marks +maroon +max +max-height +max-width +medium +mediumaquamarine +mediumblue +mediumorchid +mediumpurple +mediumseagreen +mediumslateblue +mediumspringgreen +mediumturquoise +mediumvioletred +menu +message +message-box +middle +midnightblue +min +min-height +min-width +mintcream +mistyrose +mix +mm +moccasin +mode +monospace +move +ms +n +n-resize +naby +narrower +navajowhite +ne +ne-resize +no +no-close-quote +no-open-quote +no-repeat +none +normal +nowrap +number +numeral +nw +nw-resize +oblique +offset +oldlace +olive +olivedrab +once +open +open-quote +orange +orangered +orchid +orphans +out +outline +outline-color +outline-style +outline-width +outset +outside +overflow +overhang +overline +override +padding +padding-bottom +padding-left +padding-right +padding-top +page +page-break-after +page-break-before +page-break-inside +palegoldenrod +palegreen +paleturquoise +palevioletred +papayawhip +pause +pause-after +pause-before +pc +peachpuff +peru +pink +pitch +pitch-range +play +play-during +plum +pointer +portarait +position +powderblue +pre +pre-line +pre-wrap +progid +progress +pt +punctuation +purple +px +quote +quotes +rad +range +rate +red +relative +repeat +repeat-x +repeat-y +reset +resize +richness +ridge +right +right-side +rightwards +roman +rosybrown +row +royalblue +rtl +run +run-in +s +s-resize +saddlebrown +salmon +sandybrown +sans-serif +scroll +se +se-resize +seagreen +seashell +semi +semi-condensed +semi-expanded +separate +serif +shadow +show +side +sienna +silent +silever +silver +size +skyblue +slateblue +slategray +slow +slower +small +small-caps +small-caption +smaller +snow +soft +solid +space +spacing +speak +speak-header +speak-numeral +speak-punctuation +specific +specific-voice +speech +speech-rate +spell +spell-out +springgreen +square +static +status +status-bar +steelblue +stress +stretch +style +sub +super +sw +sw-resize +table +table-caption +table-cell +table-column +table-column-group +table-footer-group +table-header-group +table-layout +table-row +table-row-group +tan +teal +text +text-align +text-bottom +text-decoration +text-indent +text-shadow +text-top +text-transform +thick +thin +thistle +through +tomato +top +track +transform +transparent +turquoise +type +ultra +ultra-condensed +ultra-expanded +underline +unicode +unicode-bidi +upper +upper-alpha +upper-latin +upper-roman +uppercase +variant +vertical +vertical-align +violet +visibility +visible +visited +voice +voice-family +volume +w +w-resize +wait +weight +wheat +white +white-space +whitesmoke +wider +widows +width +word +word-spacing +wrap +x +x-fast +x-high +x-large +x-loud +x-low +x-slow +x-small +x-soft +xx +xx-large +xx-small +y +yellow +yellowgreen +z +z-index +zero diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/java-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/java-mode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ed3d04 --- /dev/null +++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/java-mode @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +abstract +assert +boolean +break +byte +case +catch +char +class +const +continue +default +do +double +else +enum +extends +final +finally +float +for +goto +if +implements +import +instanceof +int +interface +long +native +new +package +private +protected +public +return +short +static +strictfp +super +switch +synchronized +this +throw +throws +transient +try +void +volatile +while diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/javascript-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/javascript-mode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d83f84 --- /dev/null +++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/javascript-mode @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +Anchor +Area +Array +Boolean +Button +Checkbox +Date +Document +Element +FileUpload +Form +Frame +Function +Hidden +History +Image +Infinity +JavaArray +JavaClass +JavaObject +JavaPackage +Link +Location +Math +MimeType +NaN +Navigator +Number +Object +Option +Packages +Password +Plugin +Radio +RegExp +Reset +Select +String +Submit +Text +Textarea +Window +alert +arguments +assign +blur +break +callee +caller +captureEvents +case +clearInterval +clearTimeout +close +closed +comment +confirm +constructor +continue +default +defaultStatus +delete +do +document +else +escape +eval +export +find +focus +for +frames +function +getClass +history +home +if +import +in +innerHeight +innerWidth +isFinite +isNan +java +label +length +location +locationbar +menubar +moveBy +moveTo +name +navigate +navigator +netscape +new +onBlur +onError +onFocus +onLoad +onUnload +open +opener +outerHeight +outerWidth +pageXoffset +pageYoffset +parent +parseFloat +parseInt +personalbar +print +prompt +prototype +ref +releaseEvents +resizeBy +resizeTo +return +routeEvent +scroll +scrollBy +scrollTo +scrollbars +self +setInterval +setTimeout +status +statusbar +stop +sun +switch +taint +this +toString +toolbar +top +typeof +unescape +untaint +unwatch +valueOf +var +void +watch +while +window +with diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/php-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/php-mode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04352d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/php-mode @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +and +array +as +break +case +catch +cfunction +class +clone +const +continue +declare +default +die +do +echo +else +elseif +empty +enddeclare +endfor +endforeach +endif +endswitch +endwhile +eval +exit +extends +final +for +foreach +function +global +goto +if +implements +include +include_once +instanceof +interface +isset +list +namespace +new +old_function +or +print +private +protected +public +require +require_once +return +static +switch +throw +try +unset +use +var +while +xor diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/python-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/python-mode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33b4b32 --- /dev/null +++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/python-mode @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +__import__ +abs +and +any +apply +as +assert +basestring +bin +bool +break +buffer +class +cmp +coerce +complex +continue +def +del +delattr +dict +dir +divmod +elif +else +enumerate +eval +except +exec +execfile +file +filter +finally +float +for +format +from +frozenset +getattr +global +globals +hasattr +hash +help +hex +id +if +import +in +input +int +intern +is +isinstance +issubclass +iter +lambda +len +list +locals +long +map +max +min +next +not +object +oct +open +or +ord +pass +pow +print +print +property +raise +range +raw_input +reduce +reload +repr +return +reversed +round +set +setattr +slice +sorted +staticmethod +str +sum +super +try +tuple +type +unichr +unicode +vars +while +with +xrange +yield +zip diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/ruby-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/ruby-mode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90b4fc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/ruby-mode @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +$! +$" +$$ +$& +$' +$* +$+ +$, +$-0 +$-F +$-I +$-K +$-a +$-d +$-i +$-l +$-p +$-v +$-w +$. +$/ +$0 +$1 +$10 +$11 +$2 +$3 +$4 +$5 +$6 +$7 +$8 +$9 +$: +$; +$< +$= +$> +$? +$@ +$DEBUG +$FILENAME +$KCODE +$LOADED_FEATURES +$LOAD_PATH +$PROGRAM_NAME +$SAFE +$VERBOSE +$\ +$_ +$` +$deferr +$defout +$stderr +$stdin +$stdout +$~ +ARGF +ARGV +Array +BEGIN +DATA +END +ENV +FALSE +Float +Integer +NIL +PLATFORM +RELEASE_DATE +RUBY_COPYRIGHT +RUBY_DESCRIPTION +RUBY_PATCHLEVEL +RUBY_PLATFORM +RUBY_RELEASE_DATE +RUBY_VERSION +SCRIPT_LINES__ +STDERR +STDIN +STDOUT +String +TOPLEVEL_BINDING +TRUE +VERSION +__method__ +` +abort +alias +and +at_exit +autoload +autoload? +begin +binding +block_given +break +callcc +caller +case +catch +chomp +chomp! +chop +chop +class +def +defined? +do +else +elsif +end +ensure +eval +exec +exit +exit! +fail +false +for +fork +format +getc +gets +global_variables +gsub +gsub! +if +in +iterator? +lambda +load +local_varaibles +loop +module +next +nil +not +open +or +p +printf +proc +putc +puts +raise +rand +readline +readlines +redo +require +require_relative +rescue +retry +return +scan +select +self +set_trace_func +sleep +split +sprintf +srand +sub +sub! +super +syscall +system +test +then +throw +trace_var +trap +true +undef +unless +until +untrace_var +warn +when +while +yield diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/scheme-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/scheme-mode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5cca61 --- /dev/null +++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/scheme-mode @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +case-lambda +call/cc +class +define-class +exit-handler +field +import +inherit +init-field +interface +let*-values +let-values +let/ec +mixin +opt-lambda +override +protect +provide +public +rename +require +require-for-syntax +syntax +syntax-case +syntax-error +unit/sig +unless +when +with-syntax +and +begin +call-with-current-continuation +call-with-input-file +call-with-output-file +case +cond +define +define-syntax +delay +do +dynamic-wind +else +for-each +if +lambda +let +let* +let-syntax +letrec +letrec-syntax +map +or +syntax-rules +abs +acos +angle +append +apply +asin +assoc +assq +assv +atan +boolean? +caar +cadr +call-with-input-file +call-with-output-file +call-with-values +car +cdddar +cddddr +cdr +ceiling +char->integer +char-alphabetic? +char-ci<=? +char-ci=? +char-ci>? +char-downcase +char-lower-case? +char-numeric? +char-ready? +char-upcase +char-upper-case? +char-whitespace? +char<=? +char=? +char>? +char? +close-input-port +close-output-port +complex? +cons +cos +current-input-port +current-output-port +denominator +display +eof-object? +eq? +equal? +eqv? +eval +even? +exact->inexact +exact? +exp +expt +#f +floor +force +gcd +imag-part +inexact->exact +inexact? +input-port? +integer->char +integer? +interaction-environment +lcm +length +list +list->string +list->vector +list-ref +list-tail +list? +load +log +magnitude +make-polar +make-rectangular +make-string +make-vector +max +member +memq +memv +min +modulo +negative? +newline +not +null-environment +null? +number->string +number? +numerator +odd? +open-input-file +open-output-file +output-port? +pair? +peek-char +port? +positive? +procedure? +quasiquote +quote +quotient +rational? +rationalize +read +read-char +real-part +real? +remainder +reverse +round +scheme-report-environment +set! +set-car! +set-cdr! +sin +sqrt +string +string->list +string->number +string->symbol +string-append +string-ci<=? +string-ci=? +string-ci>? +string-copy +string-fill! +string-length +string-ref +string-set! +string<=? +string=? +string>? +string? +substring +symbol->string +symbol? +#t +tan +transcript-off +transcript-on +truncate +values +vector +vector->list +vector-fill! +vector-length +vector-ref +vector-set! diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/tcl-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/tcl-mode new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07a1281 --- /dev/null +++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/tcl-mode @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +after +append +apply +array +auto_execok +auto_import +auto_load +auto_load_index +auto_mkindex +auto_mkindex_old +auto_qualify +auto_reset +bell +binary +bind +bindtags +break +button +canvas +case +catch +cd +chan +checkbutton +clipboard +clock +close +concat +continue +destroy +dict +encoding +entry +eof +error +eval +event +exec +exit +expr +fblocked +fconfigure +fcopy +file +fileevent +flush +focus +font +for +foreach +format +frame +gets +glob +global +grab +grid +if +image +incr +info +interp +join +label +labelframe +lappend +lassign +lindex +linsert +list +listbox +llength +load +lower +lrange +lrepeat +lreplace +lreverse +lsearch +lset +lsort +menu +menubutton +message +namespace +open +option +pack +package +panedwindow +pid +pkg_mkIndex +place +proc +puts +pwd +radiobutton +raise +read +regexp +registry +regsub +rename +return +scale +scan +scrollbar +seek +selection +set +socket +source +spinbox +split +string +subst +switch +tclLog +tclPkgSetup +tclPkgUnknown +tcl_findLibrary +tell +text +time +tk +tk_chooseColor +tk_chooseDirectory +tk_getOpenFile +tk_getSaveFile +tk_menuSetFocus +tk_messageBox +tk_popup +tk_textCopy +tk_textCut +tk_textPaste +tkwait +toplevel +ttk::button +ttk::checkbutton +ttk::combobox +ttk::entry +ttk::focusFirst +ttk::frame +ttk::label +ttk::labelframe +ttk::menubutton +ttk::notebook +ttk::paned +ttk::panedwindow +ttk::progressbar +ttk::radiobutton +ttk::scale +ttk::scrollbar +ttk::separator +ttk::setTheme +ttk::sizegrip +ttk::style +ttk::takefocus +ttk::themes +ttk::treeview +trace +unknown +unload +unset +update +uplevel +upvar +variable +vwait +while +winfo +wm -- cgit v1.2.3-54-g00ecf