;; -*- mode: scheme; -*- ((title . "dispass.el") (dispass . (a (@ (href "http://dispass.babab.nl")) "DisPass")) (emacs . (a (@ (href "http://gnu.org/software/emacs/")) "Emacs")) (tar-gz . "") (zip . "") (dev-tar-gz . "http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/emacs/dispass.el/snapshot/dispass.el-master.tar.gz") (dev-zip . "http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/emacs/dispass.el/snapshot/dispass.el-master.zip")) `((div (@ (class "page-header")) (h1 ,($ 'title) (small ", an " ,($ 'emacs) " wrapper for " ,($ 'dispass)))) (div (@ (class "hero-unit")) (p ,($ 'dispass) " is a passphrase generator. dispass.el wraps " "it into a nice interface for " ,($ 'emacs) ".") (p "dispass.el tries to give easy access to each feature that " ,($ 'dispass) " provides and any others that make sense with " "an interface as awesome as " ,($ 'emacs)) (p "dispass.el is written for anyone who likes to use " ,($ 'emacs) " over all alternatives. It is released under " "the ISC license as a politeness to " ,($ 'dispass) ", and " "to be completely, 100% compatible with it.") (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "span3 centered")) (h3 "Version") "Development") (div (@ (class "span4 centered")) (h3 "Language") "Emacs Lisp") (div (@ (class "span3 centered")) (h3 "Licence") "ISC"))) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "span6")) (h2 "Features") (ul (li "Copies passphrases directly to the clipboard, no " "need for manual selection and copying.") (li "Specify the length of the passphrase by using a " "numeric prefic argument.") (li "Input completion for labels.") (li "Some label management (listing, adding, removing)."))) (div (@ (class "span6")) (h2 "Dependencies") (dl (dt ,($ 'emacs)) (dd "It has been developed with v24, but if it doesn't " "work in your version of " ,($ 'emacs) ", please let " "me know.") (dt ,($ 'dispass)) (dd "The latest development version is required, but as " "soon as another version of " ,($ 'dispass) " is " "released, versions here will start mapping directly " "to " ,($ 'dispass) " versions.")))) (h2 "Download") (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "span6")) (h3 "Latest version") "This version isn't available yet, but as soon as another " "version of " ,($ 'dispass) " is released, there will be " "one.") (div (@ (class "span6")) (h3 "Development version") "This version tries to follow the developments of " ,($ 'dispass) " as closely as possible.")) (div (@ (class "row")) (div (@ (class "span6")) (a (@ (href ,($ 'tar-gz)) (class "btn btn-large btn-block disabled")) "Download .tar.gz") (a (@ (href ,($ 'zip)) (class "btn btn-large btn-block disabled")) "Download .zip")) (div (@ (class "span6")) (a (@ (href ,($ 'dev-tar-gz)) (class "btn btn-large btn-block")) "Download .tar.gz") (a (@ (href ,($ 'dev-zip)) (class "btn btn-large btn-block")) "Download .zip"))) (hr) (h2 "More...") (p "For more information please read the README."))