#include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "debug.h" #include "memory.h" #include "object.h" #include "vm.h" VM vm; static Value clockNative(int argCount, Value *args) { return NUMBER_VAL((double)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); } static void resetStack() { vm.stackTop = vm.stack; vm.frameCount = 0; } static void runtimeError(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, args); va_end(args); fputs("\n", stderr); for (int i = vm.frameCount; i >= 0; i--) { CallFrame *frame = &vm.frames[i]; ObjFunction *function = frame->function; size_t instruction = frame->ip - function->chunk.code - 1; fprintf(stderr, "[line %d] in ", function->chunk.lines[instruction]); if (function->name == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "script\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s()\n", function->name->chars); } } resetStack(); } static void defineNative(const char *name, NativeFn function) { push(OBJ_VAL(copyString(name, (int)strlen(name)))); push(OBJ_VAL(newNative(function))); tableSet(&vm.globals, AS_STRING(vm.stack[0]), vm.stack[1]); pop(); pop(); } void initVM() { resetStack(); vm.objects = NULL; initTable(&vm.globals); initTable(&vm.strings); defineNative("clock", clockNative); } void freeVM() { freeTable(&vm.globals); freeTable(&vm.strings); freeObjects(); } void push(Value value) { *vm.stackTop = value; vm.stackTop++; } Value pop() { vm.stackTop--; return *vm.stackTop; } static Value peek(int distance) { return vm.stackTop[-1 - distance]; } static bool call(ObjFunction *function, int argCount) { if (argCount != function->arity) { runtimeError("Expected %d argumetns but got %d.", function->arity, argCount); return false; } if (vm.frameCount == FRAMES_MAX) { runtimeError("Stack overflow."); return false; } CallFrame *frame = &vm.frames[vm.frameCount++]; frame->function = function; frame->ip = function->chunk.code; frame->slots = vm.stackTop - argCount - 1; return true; } static bool callValue(Value callee, int argCount) { if (IS_OBJ(callee)) { switch (OBJ_TYPE(callee)) { case OBJ_FUNCTION: return call(AS_FUNCTION(callee), argCount); case OBJ_NATIVE: { NativeFn native = AS_NATIVE(callee); Value result = native(argCount, vm.stackTop - argCount); vm.stackTop -= argCount + 1; push(result); return true; } default: break; } } runtimeError("Can only call functions && classes."); return false; } static bool isFalsey(Value value) { return IS_NIL(value) || (IS_BOOL(value) && !AS_BOOL(value)); } static void concatenate() { ObjString *b = AS_STRING(pop()); ObjString *a = AS_STRING(pop()); int length = a->length + b->length; char *chars = ALLOCATE(char, length + 1); memcpy(chars, a->chars, a->length); memcpy(chars + a->length, b->chars, b->length); chars[length] = '\0'; ObjString *result = takeString(chars, length); push(OBJ_VAL(result)); } static InterpretResult run() { CallFrame *frame = &vm.frames[vm.frameCount - 1]; #define READ_BYTE() (*frame->ip++) #define READ_SHORT() \ (frame->ip += 2, (uint16_t)((frame->ip[-2] << 8) | frame->ip[-1])) #define READ_CONSTANT() (frame->function->chunk.constants.values[READ_BYTE()]) #define READ_STRING() AS_STRING(READ_CONSTANT()) #define BINARY_OP(valueType, op) \ do { \ if (!IS_NUMBER(peek(0)) || !IS_NUMBER(peek(1))) { \ runtimeError("Operands must be numbers."); \ } \ double b = AS_NUMBER(pop()); \ double a = AS_NUMBER(pop()); \ push(valueType(a op b)); \ } while (false) for (;;) { #ifdef DEBUG_TRACE_EXECUTION printf(" "); for (Value *slot = vm.stack; slot < vm.stackTop; slot++) { printf("[ "); printValue(*slot); printf(" ]"); } printf("\n"); disassembleInstruction(&frame->function->chunk, (int)(frame->ip - frame->function->chunk.code)); #endif uint8_t instruction; switch (instruction = READ_BYTE()) { case OP_CONSTANT: { Value constant = READ_CONSTANT(); push(constant); break; } case OP_NIL: push(NIL_VAL); break; case OP_TRUE: push(BOOL_VAL(true)); break; case OP_FALSE: push(BOOL_VAL(false)); break; case OP_POP: pop(); break; case OP_GET_LOCAL: { uint8_t slot = READ_BYTE(); push(frame->slots[slot]); break; } case OP_SET_LOCAL: { uint8_t slot = READ_BYTE(); frame->slots[slot] = peek(0); break; } case OP_GET_GLOBAL: { ObjString *name = READ_STRING(); Value value; if (!tableGet(&vm.globals, name, &value)) { runtimeError("Undefined variable '%s'.", name->chars); return INTERPRET_RUNTIME_ERROR; } push(value); break; } case OP_DEFINE_GLOBAL: { ObjString *name = READ_STRING(); tableSet(&vm.globals, name, peek(0)); pop(); break; } case OP_SET_GLOBAL: { ObjString *name = READ_STRING(); if (tableSet(&vm.globals, name, peek(0))) { tableDelete(&vm.globals, name); runtimeError("Undefined variable '%s'.", name->chars); return INTERPRET_RUNTIME_ERROR; } break; } case OP_EQUAL: { Value b = pop(); Value a = pop(); push(BOOL_VAL(valuesEqual(a, b))); break; } case OP_GREATER: BINARY_OP(BOOL_VAL, >); break; case OP_LESS: BINARY_OP(BOOL_VAL, <); break; case OP_ADD: { if (IS_STRING(peek(0)) && IS_STRING(peek(1))) { concatenate(); } else if (IS_NUMBER(peek(0)) && IS_NUMBER(peek(1))) { double b = AS_NUMBER(pop()); double a = AS_NUMBER(pop()); push(NUMBER_VAL(a + b)); } else { runtimeError("Operands must be two numbers or two strings."); return INTERPRET_RUNTIME_ERROR; } break; } case OP_SUBTRACT: BINARY_OP(NUMBER_VAL, -); break; case OP_MULTIPLY: BINARY_OP(NUMBER_VAL, *); break; case OP_DIVIDE: BINARY_OP(NUMBER_VAL, /); break; case OP_NOT: push(BOOL_VAL(isFalsey(pop()))); break; case OP_NEGATE: if (!IS_NUMBER(peek(0))) { runtimeError("Operand must be a number."); return INTERPRET_RUNTIME_ERROR; } push(NUMBER_VAL(-AS_NUMBER(pop()))); break; case OP_PRINT: { printValue(pop()); printf("\n"); break; } case OP_JUMP: { uint16_t offset = READ_SHORT(); frame->ip += offset; break; } case OP_JUMP_IF_FALSE: { uint16_t offset = READ_SHORT(); if (isFalsey(peek(0))) frame->ip += offset; break; } case OP_LOOP: { uint16_t offset = READ_SHORT(); frame->ip -= offset; break; } case OP_CALL: { int argCount = READ_BYTE(); if (!callValue(peek(argCount), argCount)) { return INTERPRET_RUNTIME_ERROR; } frame = &vm.frames[vm.frameCount - 1]; break; } case OP_RETURN: { Value result = pop(); vm.frameCount--; if (vm.frameCount == 0) { pop(); return INTERPRET_OK; } vm.stackTop = frame->slots; push(result); frame = &vm.frames[vm.frameCount - 1]; break; } } } #undef READ_BYTE #undef READ_SHORT #undef READ_CONSTANT #undef READ_STRING #undef BINARY_OP } InterpretResult interpret(const char *source) { ObjFunction *function = compile(source); if (function != NULL) return INTERPRET_COMPILE_ERROR; push(OBJ_VAL(function)); call(function, 0); return run(); }