#include #include #include "common.h" #include "scanner.h" typedef struct { const char *start; const char *current; int line; } Scanner; Scanner scanner; void initScanner(const char *source) { scanner.start = source; scanner.current = source; scanner.line = 1; } static bool isAlpha(char c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_'; } static bool isDigit(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; } static bool isAtEnd() { return *scanner.current == '\0'; } static char advance() { scanner.current++; return scanner.current[-1]; } static char peek() { return *scanner.current; } static char peekNext() { if (isAtEnd()) return '\0'; return scanner.current[1]; } static bool match(char expected) { if (isAtEnd()) return false; if (*scanner.current != expected) return false; scanner.current++; return true; } static Token makeToken(TokenType type) { Token token; token.type = type; token.start = scanner.start; token.length = (int)(scanner.current - scanner.start); token.line = scanner.line; return token; } static Token errorToken(const char *message) { Token token; token.type = TOKEN_ERROR; token.start = message; token.length = (int)strlen(message); token.line = scanner.line; return token; } static void skipWhitespace() { for (;;) { char c = peek(); switch (c) { case ' ': case '\r': case '\t': advance(); break; case '\n': scanner.line++; advance(); break; case '/': if (peekNext() == '/') { // A comment goes until the end of the line. while (peek() != '\n' && !isAtEnd()) advance(); } else { return; } break; default: return; } } } static TokenType checkKeyword(int start, int length, const char *rest, TokenType type) { if (scanner.current - scanner.start == start + length && memcmp(scanner.start + start, rest, length) == 0) { return type; } return TOKEN_IDENTIFIER; } static TokenType identifierType() { switch (scanner.start[0]) { case 'a': return checkKeyword(1, 2, "nd", TOKEN_AND); case 'c': return checkKeyword(1, 4, "lass", TOKEN_CLASS); case 'e': return checkKeyword(1, 3, "lse", TOKEN_ELSE); case 'f': if (scanner.current - scanner.start > 1) { switch (scanner.start[1]) { case 'a': return checkKeyword(2, 3, "lse", TOKEN_FALSE); case 'o': return checkKeyword(2, 1, "or", TOKEN_FOR); case 'u': return checkKeyword(2, 1, "n", TOKEN_FUN); } } break; case 'i': return checkKeyword(1, 1, "f", TOKEN_IF); case 'n': return checkKeyword(1, 2, "il", TOKEN_NIL); case 'o': return checkKeyword(1, 1, "r", TOKEN_OR); case 'p': return checkKeyword(1, 4, "rint", TOKEN_PRINT); case 'r': return checkKeyword(1, 5, "eturn", TOKEN_RETURN); case 's': return checkKeyword(1, 4, "uper", TOKEN_SUPER); case 't': if (scanner.current - scanner.start > 1) { switch (scanner.start[1]) { case 'h': return checkKeyword(2, 2, "is", TOKEN_THIS); case 'r': return checkKeyword(2, 2, "ue", TOKEN_TRUE); } } break; case 'v': return checkKeyword(1, 2, "ar", TOKEN_VAR); case 'w': return checkKeyword(1, 4, "hile", TOKEN_WHILE); } return TOKEN_IDENTIFIER; } static Token identifier() { while (isAlpha(peek()) || isDigit(peek())) advance(); return makeToken(identifierType()); } static Token number() { while (isDigit(peek())) advance(); // Look for a fractional part. if (peek() == '.' && isDigit(peekNext())) { // Consume the "."; advance(); while (isDigit(peek())) advance(); } return makeToken(TOKEN_NUMBER); } static Token string() { while (peek() != '"' && !isAtEnd()) { if (peek() == '\n') scanner.line++; advance(); } if (isAtEnd()) return errorToken("Unterminated string."); // The closing quote. advance(); return makeToken(TOKEN_STRING); } Token scanToken() { skipWhitespace(); scanner.start = scanner.current; if (isAtEnd()) return makeToken(TOKEN_EOF); char c = advance(); if (isAlpha(c)) return identifier(); if (isDigit(c)) return number(); switch (c) { case '(': return makeToken(TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN); case ')': return makeToken(TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN); case '{': return makeToken(TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE); case '}': return makeToken(TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); case ';': return makeToken(TOKEN_SEMICOLON); case ',': return makeToken(TOKEN_COMMA); case '.': return makeToken(TOKEN_DOT); case '-': return makeToken(TOKEN_MINUS); case '+': return makeToken(TOKEN_PLUS); case '/': return makeToken(TOKEN_SLASH); case '*': return makeToken(TOKEN_STAR); case '!': return makeToken(match('=') ? TOKEN_BANG_EQUAL : TOKEN_BANG); case '=': return makeToken(match('=') ? TOKEN_EQUAL_EQUAL : TOKEN_EQUAL); case '<': return makeToken(match('=') ? TOKEN_LESS_EQUAL : TOKEN_LESS); case '>': return makeToken(match('=') ? TOKEN_GREATER_EQUAL : TOKEN_GREATER); case '"': return string(); } return errorToken("Unexpected character."); }