#include #include #include "common.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "scanner.h" typedef struct { Token current; Token previous; bool hadError; bool panicMode; } Parser; typedef enum { PREC_NONE, PREC_ASSIGNMENT, /* = */ PREC_OR, /* or */ PREC_AND, /* and */ PREC_EQUALITY, /* == != */ PREC_COMPARISON, /* < > <= >= */ PREC_TERM, /* + - */ PREC_FACTOR, /* * / */ PREC_UNARY, /* ! - */ PREC_CALL, /* . () */ PREC_PRIMARY } Precedence; Parser parser; Chunk *compilingChunk; static Chunk *currentChunk() { return compilingChunk; } static void errorAt(Token *token, const char *message) { if (parser.panicMode) return; parser.panicMode = true; fprintf(stderr, "[line %d] Error", token->line); if (token->type == TOKEN_EOF) { fprintf(stderr, " at end"); } else if (token->type == TOKEN_ERROR) { /* Nothing */ } else { fprintf(stderr, " at '%.*s'", token->length, token->start); } fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", message); parser.hadError = true; } static void error(const char *message) { errorAt(&parser.previous, message); } static void errorAtCurrent(const char *message) { errorAt(&parser.current, message); } static void advance() { parser.previous = parser.current; for (;;) { parser.current = scanToken(); if (parser.current.type != TOKEN_ERROR) break; errorAtCurrent(parser.current.start); } } static void consume(TokenType type, const char *message) { if (parser.current.type == type) { advance(); return; } errorAtCurrent(message); } static void emitByte(uint8_t byte) { writeChunk(currentChunk(), byte, parser.previous.line); } static void emitBytes(uint8_t byte1, uint8_t byte2) { emitByte(byte1); emitByte(byte2); } static void emitReturn() { emitByte(OP_RETURN); } static uint8_t makeConstant(Value value) { int constant = addConstant(currentChunk(), value); if (constant > UINT8_MAX) { error("Too many constants in one chunk."); return 0; } return (uint8_t)constant; } static void emitConstant(Value value) { emitBytes(OP_CONSTANT, makeConstant(value)); } static void endCompiler() { emitReturn(); } static void parsePrecedence(Precedence precedence) { // What goes here? } static void expression() { parsePrecedence(PREC_ASSIGNMENT); } static void number() { double value = strtod(parser.previous.start, NULL); emitConstant(value); } static void unary() { TokenType operatorType = parser.previous.type; // Compile the operand. parsePrecedence(PREC_UNARY); // Emit the operator instruction. switch (operatorType) { case TOKEN_MINUS: emitByte(OP_NEGATE); break; default: return; // Unreachable. } } static void grouping() { expression(); consume(TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after expression."); } bool compile(const char *source, Chunk *chunk) { initScanner(source); compilingChunk = chunk; parser.hadError = false; parser.panicMode = false; advance(); expression(); consume(TOKEN_EOF, "Expect end of expression."); endCompiler(); return !parser.hadError; }