(in-package :org.ryuslash.clark) (export '(clark)) (defvar *db* nil "The database connection.") (defconstant *version* "0.1.0" "Clark's version.") (defun add-command (args) "Add a new bookmark to the database." (with-transaction *db* (destructuring-bind (url name description &rest tags) args (insert-bookmark url name description) (add-tags tags)))) (defun add-tags (tags) "Add tags to the bookmark_tag table and possibly to tag." (let ((bookmark-id (last-insert-rowid *db*))) (map nil (lambda (tag) (let ((tag-id (handler-case (insert-tag tag) (sqlite-error () (get-tag-id tag))))) (insert-bookmark-tag bookmark-id tag-id))) tags))) (defun check-db (name) "Connect to the database, possibly creating it." (let ((db-exists (probe-file name))) (setf *db* (connect name)) (unless db-exists (execute-non-query *db* "CREATE TABLE bookmark (url VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, date INTEGER, name VARCHAR(255), description TEXT)") (execute-non-query *db* "CREATE TABLE tag (name VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE)") (execute-non-query *db* "CREATE TABLE bookmark_tag (bookmark_id INTEGER REFERENCES bookmark(rowid), tag_id INTEGER REFERENCES tag(rowid), PRIMARY KEY (bookmark_id, tag_id))")))) (defun get-bookmarks () "Get a list of all bookmarks. The result contains the url and the name of the bookmark." (let ((statement (prepare-statement *db* "select url, name from bookmark"))) (loop while (step-statement statement) collect (list (statement-column-value statement 0) (statement-column-value statement 1)) finally (finalize-statement statement)))) (defun get-tag-id (name) "Get the rowid of tag NAME." (execute-single *db* "SELECT rowid FROM tag WHERE name = ?" name)) (defun help-command (args) "Show a help message." (format t (concatenate 'string "Usage: clark [ [ ...]]~%" " clark add [ ...]~%" "~%" "Possible commands:~%" "~%" "add Add a bookmark to the database~%" "help Display this help and exit~%" "version Output version information and exit~%"))) (defun insert-bookmark (url name description) "Insert URL, NAME and DESCRIPTION into the bookmark table." (execute-non-query *db* "INSERT INTO bookmark VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)" url name (get-universal-time) description)) (defun insert-bookmark-tag (bookmark-id tag-id) "Insert BOOKMARK-ID and TAG-ID into the bookmark_tag table." (execute-non-query *db* "INSERT INTO bookmark_tag VALUES (?, ?)" bookmark-id tag-id)) (defun insert-tag (name) "Insert tag NAME into the database and return its rowid." (execute-non-query *db* "INSERT INTO tag VALUES (?)" name) (last-insert-rowid *db*)) (defun make-command-name (base) "Turn BASE into the name of a possible command." (intern (concatenate 'string (string-upcase base) "-COMMAND") :org.ryuslash.clark)) (defun parse-args (args) "Parse command-line arguments ARGS. The executable name should already have been removed." (let ((cmd-name (make-command-name (car args)))) (if (fboundp cmd-name) (funcall cmd-name (cdr args)) (progn (format t "Unknown command: ~A~%" (car args)) (help-command nil))))) (defun print-bookmark (bm) "Print information about bookmark BM. BM should be a list containing the url and name of the bookmark." (destructuring-bind (url name) bm (format t "~A~%~A~%~%" url name))) (defun version-command (args) "Display clark's version number." (format t "clark version ~A~%" *version*)) (defun clark (args) "Main function. Connect to the database, parse command-line arguments, execute and then disconnect." (check-db "test2.db") (if (> (length args) 1) (parse-args (cdr args)) (map nil #'print-bookmark (get-bookmarks))) (disconnect *db*))