# Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Willemsen # # This file is part of CLark # # CLark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # CLark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with CLark. If not, see . #+TITLE: CLark #+STARTUP: showall * NAME CLark - collect bookmarks on your command-line * SYNOPSIS =clark [...] [ [...] [...]]= * DESCRIPTION CLark is a bookmarking program for the command-line. It is meant to interface with other programs to make its use easy, whilst remaining free of being locked in to any single browser or program (except for itself). This should allow you to keep your bookmarks in a single, easily accessible, place regardles of which browser you use at any moment. ** CLark?! What the ...? I've been working on this program for a long time, though not very intensely, and it's gone through a few names. At first I absolutely wanted to write it in C, and I named it =linkwave=. I made a little program that could store given URLs with names and descriptions, but not much else than that. Then I started messing around with Lisp and some of its derivatives, such as chicken scheme. And then I thought it would be much cooler to (re)write this in scheme! I named it =markam=, because Markam collects books. Now, I'm thinking that it would be much cooler _still_ to write the thing in Common Lisp! So I name it CLark, because it is Common Lisp, and a rewrite of mARKam. * COMMANDS Each command has it's own arguments and description, to see: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE clark help #+END_EXAMPLE - =add= :: Add a new bookmark to the database. - =edit= :: Edit a bookmark's information. - =exists= :: Check if a bookmark is already present in the database. - =help= :: Prints a usage and help message, showing a list of possible commands and some hints on how to use them. Can also show help messages for individual commands. - =remove= :: Remove a bookmark from the database. - =search= :: Search through bookmarks for a certain title or tag. - =set-tags= :: Replace or remove a bookmark's tags. - =version= :: Print CLark's version. * OPTIONS Command-line options can be passed to CLark with either =-= or =--=. - =script= :: Change the output of some commands to be somewhat more machine-friently, making it easier to parse the data.