# Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Willemsen # # This file is part of CLark # # CLark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # CLark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with CLark. If not, see . #+TITLE: Conkeror #+STARTUP: showall [[http://conkeror.org][Conkeror]] is an awesome xulrunner-based web browser with Emacs-like functionality. It is easily extended and if you like Emacs, a pleasure to use. It does not seem to have great bookmark management capabilities, unless you use firefox's bookmarking tools. This is one of the reasons CLark was written. * Set-up To use the CLark Conkeror module you need to put its location in Conkeror's load path, afterwards you should load or require it. So in your ~.conkerorrc~ you should put: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE load_paths.push("file:///path/to/clark/js/"); require("clark"); #+END_EXAMPLE If you don't have the CLark executable in your path you should set the =clark_program= user variable to the location of the CLark executable: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE clark_program = "/path/to/clark"; #+END_EXAMPLE Once that is done you kan either bind the available functions to the keys you like, or you could bind =clark_keymap= to a key, for example: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE define_key(content_buffer_normal_keymap, "b", clark_keymap); #+END_EXAMPLE If you would like to see whether or not you've bookmarked the current URL, you could add the =clark_bookmarked_widget= to your Conkeror mode-line: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE add_hook("mode_line_hook", mode_line_adder(clark_bookmarked_widget), true); #+END_EXAMPLE If you don't like the way the =clark_bookmarked_widget= shows you whether or not the current URL has been bookmarked, you can customize these by setting either or both of the variables =clark_bookmarked_string= and =clark_not_bookmarked_string=. * Usage The Conkeror module is written to mirror the functionality found in CLark, here's a list of its commands: - =clark-exists-p= :: Prints an indication of whether or not the current URL has been bookmarked. Uses the same command the =clark_bookmarked_widget= does, only requires the user to explicitly call it. - =clark-add= :: Add the curren URL to CLark. Asks for a title, description and any tags you wish to assign it. - =clark-add-link= :: Does the same thing =clark-add= does, except it also asks which link found on the current page to bookmark, instead of using the current URL. - =clark-edit= :: Edit the current URL's data. Asks for a name and a description, if either one is left empty, it is not sent to CLark and thus not changed. - =clark-find-url= :: Calls =find-url= with completions gathered from CLark. Uses the =search= command, so any text typed into the minibuffer gets matched as a substring of a bookmark's title, or a tag. - =clark-find-url-new-buffer= :: Does thee same thing =clark-find-url= does, except it opens the URL in a new buffer, instead of the current buffer. - =clark-remove= :: Removes the current URL from CLark. - =clark-set-tags= :: Replace or remove the tags for the current url's bookmark. If any tags are given they replace the bookmark's old tags, if the field is left empty, all tags are removed. All of these are included in the =clark_keymap=.