* cDisPass cdispass is a JavaScript-based wrapper around [[http://dispass.babab.nl/][DisPass]] for the [[http://conkeror.org][Conkeror Web Browser]]. ** Usage To use cdispass: Add its location to your load_paths and require it. #+BEGIN_SRC js load_paths.push("/path/to/cdispass/"); require("cdispass"); #+END_SRC And then you can use =M-x dispass= or you could bind =dispass-and-submit= to some key, like: #+BEGIN_SRC js define_key(content_buffer_text_keymap, "C-c d", "dispass-and-submit"); #+END_SRC Which would cause =C-c d= to call the =dispass= command, insert the result in the current focused element and then submit the form in which the element is placed.