;;;;; title: Small Recent Posts tags: projects, wordpress, small-recent-posts date: 2014-08-16 13:39 format: md ;;;;; I've been reading [Professional WordPress Plugin Development](http://www.wrox.com/WileyCDA/WroxTitle/Professional-WordPress-Plugin-Development.productCd-0470916222.html) the last few weeks and I finally got around to putting some of what I've read (a tiny bit) to use. I've written my [first WordPress plugin](https://github.com/ryuslash/small-recent-posts). It's part of a larger project of mine to replace my [[http://orgmode.org][Org-mode]] powered static site with WordPress and learn about WordPress plugin development along the way. Right now, it only shows the 5 latest posts, much like the widgets in the side-bar and admin area do (except with less options I'm sure). My plans are simple, just a number of posts and possibly a tag or category. For now I don't have any place for you to see it in action, but hopefully soon. To use it just add `[[recent]]` anywhere in your post or page. It is meant to be used in pages, but there is no technical reason why it couldn't also be used in posts.