;;; -*- mode : lisp -*- (;; Required information :author "Tom Willemse" ;; to be placed on post pages and in the copyright/CC-BY-SA notice :deploy-dir "deploy/" ;; for Coleslaw's generated HTML to go in :domain "//ryuslash.org/" ;; to generate absolute links to the site content. Note: with :cname option of gh-pages, this requires a url scheme, e.g. https://fake.org :routing ((:post "posts/~a") ;; to determine the URL scheme of content on the site (:tag-index "tag/~a") (:month-index "date/~a") (:numeric-index "~d") (:feed "~a.xml") (:tag-feed "tag/~a.xml")) :title "Improved Means for Achieving Deteriorated Ends" ;; a site title :theme "oni" ;; to select one of the themes in "coleslaw/themes/" ;; Optional information :excerpt-sep "" ;; to set the separator for excerpt in content :feeds ("lisp") :plugins (; (incremental) ;; *Remove comment to enable incremental builds. (mathjax) (sitemap) (static-pages) ;; deployment plugins ;; deployment to github pages ; (gh-pages :url "git@github.com:myaccount/myrepo.git" ; ; :cname t ;; if you want to use the custom domain --- see http://pages.github.com/ ; ) ;; versioned deployment. Remove comment to enable symlinked, timestamped deploys. ; (versioned) ;; default deploy method is rsync (rsync "-avz" "--delete" "--exclude" ".git/" "--exclude" ".gitignore" "--copy-links") ) :sitenav ((:url "http://NIL.github.com/" :name "Home") (:url "http://twitter.com/NIL" :name "Twitter") (:url "http://github.com/NIL" :name "Code") (:url "http://soundcloud.com/NIL" :name "Music") (:url "http://redlinernotes.com/docs/talks/" :name "Talks")) :staging-dir "staging/" ;; for Coleslaw to do intermediate work, default: "/tmp/coleslaw" ) ;; * Prerequisites described in plugin docs.