path: root/
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1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
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index 0000000..5ab399b
--- /dev/null
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+#+TITLE: Different roles
+#+DATE: 2013-01-10
+#+COLESLAW_TAGS: org-mode, emacs, todo
+The other day I noticed that when I'm working I find it very annoying
+to have tasks for my personal projects appear in either my agenda or
+my todo list, so I was thinking if I couldn't make it somewhat more
+First I've added some separation between my org files, I've split
+them into ~personal-org-agenda-files~, ~work-org-agenda-files~ and
+~common-org-agenda-files~, since there are also /some/ tasks that I would
+like to know about in either situation.
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (defvar oni:personal-agenda-files
+ (list (expand-file-name "~/documents/org/tasks"))
+ "My personal agenda, should only show up at times I don't have
+ to work.")
+ (defvar oni:work-agenda-files
+ (list (expand-file-name "~/documents/org/work"))
+ "My work agenda, should only show up at times I work.")
+ (defvar oni:common-agenda-files
+ (list (expand-file-name "~/documents/org/misc"))
+ "Agenda files that are work-agnostic, should always show up.")
+At first I only seperated them with ~org-agenda-custom-commands~:
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
+ '(("P" . "Personal only")
+ ("Pa" "Personal agenda" agenda ""
+ ((org-agenda-files (append oni:personal-agenda-files
+ oni:common-agenda-files))))
+ ("Pt" "Personal todo" agenda ""
+ ((org-agenda-files (append oni:personal-agenda-files
+ oni:common-agenda-files))))
+ ("W" . "Work only")
+ ("Wa" "Work agenda" agenda ""
+ ((org-agenda-files (append oni:work-agenda-files
+ oni:common-agenda-files))))
+ ("Wt" "Work todo" todo ""
+ ((org-agenda-files (append oni:work-agenda-files
+ oni:common-agenda-files))))))
+But it's clunky to have to use a separate command just to see a clean
+todo list. Then I thought, and tried, to have a function that checks
+the time to see which it should use, since I work from 09:00 to
+17:00, if the current time is between those times I should only look
+at my work todo list, most of the time, outside of those hours I
+don't really care what I have to do for work.
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (defun oni:set-org-agenda-files ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((current-time (current-time-string))
+ (start-time (format-time-string "%a %b %e 09:00:00 %Y"))
+ (end-time (format-time-string "%a %b %e 17:00:00 %Y")))
+ (if (or (and (string< current-time start-time)
+ (string< current-time end-time))
+ (and (string< start-time current-time)
+ (string< end-time current-time)))
+ (setq org-agenda-files
+ (append oni:personal-agenda-files
+ oni:common-agenda-files))
+ (setq org-agenda-files
+ (append oni:work-agenda-files
+ oni:common-agenda-files)))))
+It's weird, but since Emacs doesn't have any real datetime functions
+for creation/comparison, for as far as I know, it seemed easiest to
+just create some strings representing the time and compare these.
+Then it should be, if the current time is either before both start
+and end time or after both start and end time it should return my
+personal todo list, otherwise it should return my work todo list.
+Now, it would be silly to have to call that manually every so-often,
+so I've set it up to do so automatically.
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (oni:set-org-agenda-files)
+ (run-at-time "09:01" nil 'oni:set-org-agenda-files)
+ (run-at-time "17:01" nil 'oni:set-org-agenda-files)
+First, I set my agenda files to whatevers they should be *right now*.
+Then I have this function run at 09:01 and 17:01, if either or both
+have already passed, they won't be executed today. This effectively
+tells Emacs to switch to my work "role" after 09:00 and back to my
+personal "role" after 17:00.
+It's not perfect yet, but I felt like writing something. The things
+I would change might include:
+- Check the times for either ~<~ or ~=~ the start/end times, so I don't
+ have to check for ~:01~ every time, but Emacs doesn't have a ~string<=~
+ function so I'll have to mimic it.
+- Always set it to my personal "role" during weekends.
+- Have them repeat every 24 hours, just in case I don't turn off my
+ PC for a few days.
+I'll fix those soon, they're not hard to do, but this works for now.
+It has worked well for me today, but I might throw it out again
+tomorrow, as I sometimes tend to do.