;;; avandu.el --- Gateway to Tiny Tiny RSS ;; Copyright (C) 2012 Tom Willemsen ;; Author: Tom Willemsen ;; Created: Jul 22, 2012 ;; Version: 0 ;; Keywords: net ;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any ;; purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the ;; above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all ;; copies. ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL ;; WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED ;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ;; AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR ;; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS ;; OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, ;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ;; CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ;;; Commentary: ;; Avandu is an emacs mode that connects to a Tiny Tiny RSS instance ;; and allows you to read the feeds it has gathered locally. ;; The simplest way to install it is to use package.el: ;; (package-install-file "/path/to/avandu.el") ;; For further information I would like to refer you to the avandu ;; info file. ;; Once installation is out of the way, it should get a value for ;; `avandu-tt-rss-api-url' (for example: http://tt-rss.org/demo/api/) ;; and then run `avandu-list'. ;; Once in avandu:overview mode some key bindings will be: ;; - `r' :: Mark article at point as read. ;; - `o' :: Open article at point in a browser. Uses `browse-url'. ;; - `n' :: Next article. ;; - `p' :: Previous article. ;;; Code: (require 'json) (require 'url) (require 'simple) (defconst avandu-entity-replacement-alist '(("hellip" . 8230) ("qout" . 34) ("amp" . 38) ("nbsp" . 32)) "What to replace the part between & and ; of HTML entities with names.") ;; Customization (defgroup avandu nil "Tiny Tiny RSS interface for emacs." :group 'applications) ;; Faces (defface avandu-overview-excerpt '((t (:inherit shadow :slant italic))) "Face for article excerpts in avandu overview." :group 'avandu) (defface avandu-overview-feed '((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "white" :height 1.2 :bold t :family "sans")) (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "black" :height 1.2 :bold t :family "sans"))) "Face for feed titles in avandu overview." :group 'avandu) (defface avandu-overview-read-article '((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "white" :weight normal :family "sans")) (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "black" :weight normal :family "sans"))) "Face for read article titles in avandu overview." :group 'avandu) (defface avandu-overview-unread-article '((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "orange3" :weight bold :family "sans")) (((class color) (background light)) (:foregroung "red4" :weight bold :family "sans"))) "Face for unread article titles in avandu overview." :group 'avandu) ;; User options (defcustom avandu-tt-rss-api-url nil "URL of your Tiny Tiny RSS instance. For example: http://tt-rss.org/demo/api/" :group 'avandu :type 'string) (defcustom avandu-user nil "Username of your Tiny Tiny RSS account." :group 'avandu :type 'string) ;; Variables (defvar avandu--session-id nil "*internal* Session id for avandu.") (defvar avandu-article-button-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map button-map) (define-key map "o" 'avandu-browse-article) (define-key map "r" 'avandu-mark-article-read) map) "Keymap for articles in `avandu-overview-mode'.") (defvar avandu-feed-button-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map button-map) (define-key map "c" 'avandu-feed-catchup) map) "Keymap for feeds in `avandu-overview-mode'.") (defvar avandu-overview-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map special-mode-map) (define-key map "n" 'avandu-next-article) (define-key map "N" 'avandu-next-feed) (define-key map "p" 'avandu-previous-article) (define-key map "P" 'avandu-previous-feed) map) "Keymap for `avandu-overview-mode'.") (defvar avandu-password nil "Password for your Tiny Tiny RSS account.") ;; Macros (defmacro avandu--next-button-of-type (direction type) "Go DIRECTION and find the next button of a TYPE." (let ((prop (case type (feed 'feed-id) (article 'article-id) (t (error "Invalid type")))) (next-point-function (case direction (forward 'point-min) (backward 'point-max) (t (error "Invalid direction")))) (next-button-function (case direction (forward 'next-button) (backward 'previous-button) (t (error "Invalid direction"))))) `(let ((pos (point)) found-value) (while (not found-value) (let ((button (,next-button-function pos))) (unless button (setq pos (,next-point-function) button (or (button-at pos) (,next-button-function pos)))) (setq found-value (button-get button ',prop) pos (overlay-start button)))) (goto-char pos)))) (defmacro avandu-getset (var prompt &optional passwdp) "Ask the user for, and then save, VAR with PROMPT. Use `read-passwd' if PASSWDP and `read-string' otherwise." `(or ,var (setq ,var (,(if passwdp 'read-passwd 'read-string) ,prompt)))) ;; Internal (defun avandu--check-login () "Check to see if we're (still) logged in, try to login otherwise. Signals an error if we're not logged in *and* login was unsuccesful." (unless (or (and avandu--session-id (avandu-logged-in-p)) (avandu-login)) (avandu--clear-data) (error "Could not log in to tt-rss"))) (defun avandu--clean-text (text) "Go through TEXT and remove any trailing and leading whitespace from it, then look for any HTML entities and either replace them with their char value or with the value in `avandu-entity-replacement-alist'." (with-temp-buffer (insert text) (while (re-search-forward "\\`[[:space:][:cntrl:]]+\\|[[:space:][:cntrl:]]+\\'" nil t) (replace-match "")) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward "&" nil t) (let ((pos (point))) (save-excursion (when (search-forward ";" nil t) (let* ((sstring (buffer-substring pos (1- (point)))) (char-code (if (= (char-after pos) ?#) (unless (string-match-p "[^[:digit:]]" (substring sstring 1)) (string-to-number (substring sstring 1))) (assoc sstring avandu-entity-replacement-alist)))) (when char-code (delete-region (1- pos) (point)) (insert-char (if (consp char-code) (cdr char-code) char-code) 1))))))) (setq text (buffer-string))) text) (defun avandu--clear-data () "Clean up login data. This makes for a clean slate next time." (setq avandu-user nil avandu--session-id nil) (clear-string avandu-password)) (defun avandu--get-session-id (results) "Get the session id from RESULTS." (cdr (assq 'session_id (assq 'content results)))) (defun avandu--get-status-id (results) "Get the status id from RESULTS." (cdr (assq 'status results))) (defun avandu--insert-article-excerpt (excerpt) "Insert the excerpt of an article." (let ((start-pos (point)) end-pos (text (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\n]*$" "" (avandu--clean-text excerpt)))) (unless (or (not text) (string= text "")) (insert (propertize text 'face 'avandu-overview-excerpt)) (indent-region start-pos (point) tab-width) (fill-region start-pos (point)) (insert-char ?\n 1)))) (defun avandu--insert-article-title (id link title) "Insert a button with the label TITLE and store ID and LINK in the article-id and link properties, respectively." (insert-button (replace-regexp-in-string "^[ \n\t]*\\|[ \n\t]*$" "" title) 'face 'avandu-overview-unread-article 'article-id id 'link link 'keymap avandu-article-button-map 'action #'(lambda (button) (message "%s" (button-get button 'link)))) (insert-char ?\n 1)) (defun avandu--insert-feed-title (id title) "Insert a button with the label TITLE and store ID in the feed-id property." (unless (eq (point) (point-min)) (insert-char ?\n 1)) (insert-button (replace-regexp-in-string "^[ \n\t]*\\|[ \n\t]*$" "" title) 'face 'avandu-overview-feed 'feed-id id 'keymap avandu-feed-button-map 'action #'(lambda (button) (message "%s" (button-label button)))) (insert-char ?\n 2)) (defun avandu--send-command (data) "Send a command with parameters DATA to tt-rss. The current session-id is added to the request and then DATA is passed on to `json-encode'. DATA should be an association list with at least an OP value. For example: (avandu--send-command '((op . \"isLoggedIn\"))) This function returns the result of `json-read' passed over the returned json." (let* ((url-request-data (json-encode (if avandu--session-id (append `((sid . ,avandu--session-id)) data) data))) (url-request-method "POST") (buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously avandu-tt-rss-api-url)) result) (with-current-buffer buffer (goto-char (point-min)) (search-forward "\n\n") (setq result (json-read))) (kill-buffer buffer) result)) ;; Commands (defun avandu-browse-article () "Browse the current button's article url." (interactive) (let ((button (button-at (point)))) (browse-url (button-get button 'link)) (avandu-mark-article-read button))) (defun avandu-feed-catchup () "Send a request to tt-rss to \"Catch up\" with a feed. This means that all the (unread) articles in a feed will be marked as read. After having completed this request the overview is reloaded." (interactive) (let* ((button (button-at (point))) (id (button-get button 'feed-id))) (avandu--send-command `((op . "catchupFeed") (feed_id . ,id)))) (revert-buffer)) (defun avandu-logged-in-p () "Send a request to tt-rss to see if we're (still) logged in. This function returns t if we are, or nil if we're not." (let* ((response (avandu--send-command '((op . "isLoggedIn")))) (result (cdr (assq 'status (assq 'content response))))) (if (eq result :json-false) nil result))) (defun avandu-login () "Send a request to log in to tt-rss. If `avandu-user' or `avandu-password' have not been specified they will be asked for and saved in memory. This function returns t on succes, nil otherwise." (interactive) (let ((result (avandu--send-command `((op . "login") (user . ,(avandu-getset avandu-user "Username: ")) (password . ,(avandu-getset avandu-password "Password: " t)))))) (if (eq (avandu--get-status-id result) 0) (progn (setq avandu--session-id (avandu--get-session-id result)) t) nil))) (defun avandu-logout () "Logout from Tiny Tiny RSS." (interactive) (avandu--send-command '((op . "logout"))) (avandu--clear-data)) (defun avandu-mark-article-read (&optional button) "Send a request to tt-rss to mark an article as read. BUTTON, if given, should be a button widget, as created by `button-insert' and such, which contains FEED-ID. If BUTTON is nil, it will be assumed that `point' is currently within the bounds of a button." (interactive) (let* ((button (or button (button-at (point)))) (id (button-get button 'article-id))) (avandu--send-command `((op . "updateArticle") (article_ids . ,id) (mode . 0) (field . 2))) (button-put button 'face 'avandu-overview-read-article)) (avandu-next-article)) (defun avandu-new-articles-count () "Send a request to tt-rss for the total number of unread feeds." (interactive) (avandu--check-login) (let ((result (avandu--send-command '((op . "getUnread"))))) (message (cdr (assq 'unread (assq 'content result)))))) (defun avandu-next-article () "Search forward for the next article." (interactive) (avandu--next-button-of-type forward article)) (defun avandu-next-feed () "Go forward and find the next feed." (interactive) (avandu--next-button-of-type forward feed)) (defun avandu-previous-article () "Go backward and find the next article." (interactive) (avandu--next-button-of-type backward article)) (defun avandu-previous-feed () "Go backward and find the next feed." (interactive) (avandu--next-button-of-type backward feed)) ;; Overview (define-derived-mode avandu-overview-mode special-mode "Avandu:Overview" "Major mode fo the avandu overview screen. This screen shows the articles categorized by feed as a list. It doesn't sort the list, so you'll have to set that up in tt-rss. \\{avandu-overview-map} \\" (use-local-map avandu-overview-map) (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function) #'(lambda (ignore-auto noconfirm) (avandu-list)))) ;;;###autoload (defun avandu-list () "Request the headlines of unread articles and list them grouped by feed." (interactive) (avandu--check-login) (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*avandu-overview*")) (result (avandu--send-command '((op . "getHeadlines") (feed_id . -4) (view_mode . "unread") (show_excerpt . t)))) feed-id) (with-current-buffer buffer (setq buffer-read-only nil) (erase-buffer) (goto-char (point-min)) (mapc #'(lambda (elt) (unless (equal feed-id (assq 'feed_id elt)) (avandu--insert-feed-title (cdr (assq 'feed_id elt)) (cdr (assq 'feed_title elt)))) (setq feed-id (assq 'feed_id elt)) (avandu--insert-article-title (cdr (assq 'id elt)) (cdr (assq 'link elt)) (cdr (assq 'title elt))) (avandu--insert-article-excerpt (cdr (assq 'excerpt elt)))) (cdr (assq 'content result))) (setq buffer-read-only t) (goto-char (point-min)) (avandu-overview-mode)) (switch-to-buffer buffer))) (provide 'avandu) ;;; avandu.el ends here ;; ((feed_title . "Identity at Mozilla") ;; (labels . []) ;; (tags . [""]) ;; (feed_id . "6") ;; (link . "http://identity.mozilla.com/post/13619011637") ;; (title . "BrowserID this week: better, faster, more secure.") ;; (is_updated . :json-false) ;; (updated . 1322795401) ;; (published . :json-false) ;; (marked . :json-false) ;; (unread . t) ;; (id . 109)) ;; (get-api-level) ;; (get-version) ;; (login user password) ;; (logout) ;; (is-logged-in) ;; (get-unread) ;; (get-counters output-mode) ;; (get-feeds category-id unread-only limit offset) ;; (get-categories unread-only) ;; (get-headlines feed-id limit skip filter categoryp show-excerpt show-content view-mode include-attachments since-id search search-mode match-on) ;; (update-article article-ids mode field data) ;; (get-article article-id) ;; (get-config icons-dir icons-url daemon-is-running num-feeds) ;; (update-feed feed-id) ;; (get-pref pref-name) ;; (catchup-feed feed-id categoryp) ;; (get-counters output-mode) ;; (get-labels article-id) ;; (set-article-label article-ids label-id assingp)