#!/usr/bin/env python import os import pycurl import string import sys import tempfile import time import urllib import urlparse import xmlrpclib from HTMLParser import HTMLParser class WordPress: def __init__(self, url, username, password): self.__username = username self.__password = password self.__proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url) def all_posts(self): MAX_POST_NO = 10000 return self.__proxy.metaWeblog.getRecentPosts("", self.__username, self.__password, MAX_POST_NO) def post_comments(self, post): return self.__proxy.wp.getComments("", self.__username, self.__password, {"post_id" : post["postid"]}) class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser): def __init__(self, url, imgdir): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.url = url self.imgdir = imgdir def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == "img": for attr in attrs: if attr[0] == "src": self.download_image(attr[1]) def download_image(self, url): parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) if parsed.netloc == self.url: print " downloading %s" % url filename = os.path.join(self.imgdir, parsed.path[1:]) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) except os.error: pass fp = open(filename, "wb") curl = pycurl.Curl() curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, str(url)) curl.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, 1) curl.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, 5) curl.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30) curl.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, 300) curl.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, 1) curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEDATA, fp) curl.perform() curl.close() fp.close() def make_dir(path): os.mkdir(path) return path + "/" def write_file(path, content): f = open(path, "w") f.write(content.encode("utf-8")) f.close() def write_comment(comment, dir): def make_metadata(): out = "" keys = {"comment_id" : "id", "author" : "author", "author_email" : "author_email", "author_url" : "author_url", "author_ip" : "author_ip", "status" : "approved"} for k in keys: if (k != "status") or ((k == "status") and (comment[k] != "spam")): out += "%s: %s\n" % (k, comment[k]) date = comment["date_created_gmt"] out += "timestamp: %s\n" % int(time.mktime(date.timetuple())) return out write_file(dir + str(comment["comment_id"]), make_metadata() + "\n" + comment["content"]) def unescape(s): s = s.replace("<", "<") s = s.replace(">", ">") s = s.replace("&", "&") return s def make_post_key(post): d = post["dateCreated"].timetuple() pre = "%d/%02d/%02d/%s" % (d.tm_year, d.tm_mon, d.tm_mday, post["wp_slug"]) return urllib.quote(pre, "").lower() def get_post_images(post, url, imgdir): parser = MyHTMLParser(url, imgdir) parser.feed(post["description"]) def write_post(post, categories, comments, images_url, new_images_url): print "writing post %s" % unescape(post["title"]) def make_metadata(): out = "" keys = {"postid" : "id", "wp_author_display_name" : "author", "title" : "title", "post_status" : "status", "mt_allow_comments" : "comment_status"} for k in keys: value = post[k] if k == "mt_allow_comments": if value == 1: value = "open" else: value = "closed" out += "%s: %s\n" % (keys[k], value) out += "tags: %s\n" % ", ".join(categories) out += "timestamp: %s\n" % int(time.mktime(post["dateCreated"].timetuple())) return unicode(out) key = make_post_key(post) d = make_dir(key) content = string.replace(post["description"], images_url, new_images_url) write_file(d + "content", content) write_file(d + "metadata", make_metadata()) if comments: c = make_dir(d + "comments") for comment in comments: write_comment(comment, c) def main(args): d_posts = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="wp2dir") d_images = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="wp2img") print "creating directories %s and %s" % (d_posts, d_images) _, url, images_url, new_images_url, user, passwd = args wp = WordPress(url, user, passwd) posts = wp.all_posts() for post in posts: comments = wp.post_comments(post) os.chdir(d_posts) write_post(post, post["categories"], comments, images_url, new_images_url) os.chdir(d_images) get_post_images(post, images_url, d_images) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)