#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import tempfile import MySQLdb as db import os import urllib import time cxn = None def all_posts(): cur = cxn.cursor() sql = ('select ID, post_author, post_date_gmt, post_content,' ' post_title, post_status, comment_status, post_name,' ' post_modified_gmt, post_content_filtered' ' from wp_posts') cur.execute(sql) while True: row = cur.fetchone() if row: keys = ('id', 'author', 'date', 'content', 'title', 'status', 'comment_status', 'name', 'modified', 'content_filtered') yield dict(zip(keys, row)) else: break def post_categories(post): cur = cxn.cursor() sql = ('select cat_name from wp_categories c, wp_post2cat p2c' ' where p2c.post_id=%s and p2c.category_id=c.cat_ID') cur.execute(sql, (post['id'],)) return [row[0] for row in cur.fetchall()] def post_comments(post): cur = cxn.cursor() sql = ('select comment_ID, comment_author, comment_author_email,' ' comment_author_url, comment_author_IP,' ' comment_date, comment_date_gmt, comment_content, comment_approved' ' from wp_comments where comment_post_ID=%s and comment_approved!=\'spam\'') cur.execute(sql, (post['id'],)) keys = ('id', 'author', 'author_email', 'author_url', 'author_ip', 'date', 'date-gmt', 'content', 'approved') return [dict(zip(keys, row)) for row in cur.fetchall()] def write_file(path, content): f = open(path, 'w') f.write(content) f.close() def make_dir(path): os.mkdir(path) return path + '/' def write_comment(comment, dir): def make_metadata(): out = '' for k, v in comment.items(): if k not in ('content',): out += '%s: %s\n' % (k, v) date = comment['date-gmt'] or comment['date'] out += 'timestamp: %s\n' % int(time.mktime(date.timetuple())) return out write_file(dir + str(comment['id']), make_metadata() + '\n' + comment['content']) def make_post_key(post): d = post['date'] pre = '%d/%02d/%02d/%s' % (d.year, d.month, d.day, post['name']) return urllib.quote(pre, '').lower() def write_post(post, categories, comments): def make_metadata(): out = '' for k, v in post.items(): if k not in ('content', 'content_filtered'): out += '%s: %s\n' % (k, v) out += 'tags: %s\n' % ', '.join(categories) out += 'timestamp: %s\n' % int(time.mktime(post['date'].timetuple())) return out key = make_post_key(post) d = make_dir(key) write_file(d + 'content', post['content']) write_file(d + 'content-filtered', post['content_filtered']) write_file(d + 'metadata', make_metadata()) if comments: c = make_dir(d + 'comments') for comment in comments: write_comment(comment, c) def main(args): global cxn d = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='wp2dir') print 'writing dir', d os.chdir(d) _, host, user, passwd, database = args cxn = db.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=database) cxn.cursor().execute("set names 'utf8'") for post in all_posts(): write_post (post, post_categories (post), post_comments (post)) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)