;; Tekuti ;; Copyright (C) 2008 Andy Wingo ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; if not, contact: ;; ;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 ;; 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Fax: +1-617-542-2652 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA gnu@gnu.org ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Using git's object database as a persistent store. ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (tekuti git) #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim) #:use-module (ice-9 popen) #:use-module (tekuti util) #:use-module (tekuti config) #:use-module (scheme kwargs) #:use-module (match-bind) #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (filter-map partition delete-duplicates)) #:use-module (srfi srfi-34) #:use-module (srfi srfi-35) #:export (&git-condition git-condition? git-condition-argv git-condition-output git-condition-status false-if-git-error git git* ensure-git-repo git-ls-tree git-ls-subdirs git-mktree git-rev-parse git-hash-object git-update-ref git-commit-tree git-rev-list git-revert munge-tree munge-tree1 parse-commit commit-utc-timestamp with-output-to-blob with-input-from-blob)) ;;; ;;; git conditions ;;; (define-condition-type &git-condition &condition git-condition? (argv git-condition-argv) (output git-condition-output) (status git-condition-status)) (define-macro (false-if-git-error . body) `(,guard (c ((,git-condition? c) #f)) ,@body)) ;;; ;;; running git ;;; (define *debug* #f) (define (trc . args) (if *debug* (apply pk args) (car (last-pair args)))) (define (run env input-file args) (define (prepend-env args) (if (null? env) args (cons "/usr/bin/env" (append env args)))) (define (redirect-input args) (if input-file (list "/bin/sh" "-c" (string-append (string-join (map shell:quote args) " ") "<" input-file)) args)) (let* ((real-args (trc (redirect-input (prepend-env args)))) (pipe (apply open-pipe* OPEN_READ real-args)) (output (read-delimited "" pipe)) (ret (close-pipe pipe))) (case (status:exit-val ret) ((0) (if (eof-object? output) "" output)) (else (trc 'git-error output ret real-args) (raise (condition (&git-condition (argv real-args) (output output) (status ret)))))))) (define/kwargs (git* args (input #f) (env '())) (if input (call-with-temp-file input (lambda (tempname) (trc input) (run env tempname (cons* *git* "--bare" args)))) (run env #f (cons* *git* "--bare" args)))) (define (git . args) (git* args)) ;;; ;;; git commands ;;; (define (is-dir? path) (catch 'system-error (lambda () (eq? (stat:type (stat path)) 'directory)) (lambda args #f))) (define (ensure-git-repo) (let ((d (expanduser *git-dir*))) (if (not (is-dir? d)) (begin (mkdir d) (chdir d) (git "init")) (chdir d)))) (define (git-ls-tree treeish path) (or (and treeish (false-if-git-error (match-lines (git "ls-tree" treeish (or path ".")) "^(.+) (.+) (.+)\t(.+)$" (_ mode type object name) ;; reversed for assoc (list name object (string->symbol type))))) '())) (define (git-ls-subdirs treeish path) (or (and treeish (false-if-git-error (match-lines (git "ls-tree" treeish (or path ".")) "^(.+) tree (.+)\t(.+)$" (_ mode object name) (cons name object)))) '())) (define (git-mktree alist) (if (null? alist) #f (string-trim-both (git* '("mktree") #:input (string-join (map (lambda (l) (format #f (if (or (null? (cddr l)) (equal? (caddr l) 'blob)) "100644 blob ~a\t~a" "040000 tree ~a\t~a") (cadr l) (car l))) alist) "\n" 'suffix))))) (define (git-rev-parse rev) (string-trim-both (git "rev-parse" rev))) (define (git-rev-list rev n) (let lp ((lines (string-split (git "rev-list" "--pretty=format:%ct %s" "-n" (number->string n) rev) #\newline)) (ret '())) (if (or (null? lines) (and (null? (cdr lines)) (string-null? (car lines)))) (reverse ret) (lp (cddr lines) (let ((line1 (car lines)) (line2 (cadr lines))) (match-bind "^commit (.*)$" line1 (_ sha1) (match-bind "^([0-9]+) (.*)$" line2 (_ ts subject) (cons `(,sha1 ,(string->number ts) ,subject) ret) (error "bad line2" line2)) (error "bad line1" line1))))))) (define (git-hash-object contents) (string-trim-both (git* '("hash-object" "-w" "--stdin") #:input contents))) (define (git-update-ref refname proc count) (let* ((ref (git-rev-parse refname)) (commit (proc ref))) (cond ((zero? count) (error "my god, we looped 5 times" commit)) ((false-if-git-error (git "update-ref" refname commit ref)) commit) (else (pk "failed to update the ref, trying again..." refname) (git-update-ref (git-rev-parse refname) (1- count)))))) (define (git-commit-tree tree parent message timestamp) (string-trim-both (git* (cons* "commit-tree" tree (if parent (list "-p" parent) '())) #:input message #:env (if timestamp (list "GIT_COMMMITTER=tekuti" (format #f "GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=~a +0100" timestamp) (format #f "GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=~a +0100" timestamp)) (list "GIT_COMMMITTER=tekuti"))))) ;;; ;;; utilities ;;; ;; unused. (define (patch-blob sha1 patch) (call-with-temp-file (git "cat-file" "blob" sha1) (lambda (orig) (run '() patch (list "patch" "-N" "-s" "-u" "-r" "/dev/null" orig)) (with-output-to-blob (display (call-with-input-file (orig) (read-delimited "" port))))))) ;; could leave stray comments if the post directory changes. but this is ;; probably the best that we can do, given that git does not track ;; directory renames. (define (git-commit-reverse-operations sha1) (with-input-from-string (git "diff-tree" "-R" "-r" sha1) (lambda () (read-line) ;; throw away the header (let lp ((ops '())) (let ((line (read-line))) (if (eof-object? line) ops (match-bind "^:([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9a-f]+) ([0-9a-f]+) (.)\t(.*)$" line (_ mode1 mode2 ob1 ob2 op path) (let ((head (let ((d (dirname path))) (if (string=? d ".") '() (string-split d #\/)))) (tail (basename path))) (lp (case (string-ref op 0) ((#\D) (cons `(delete ,head (,tail)) ops)) ((#\A) (cons `(create ,head (,tail ,ob2 blob)) ops)) ((#\M) (cons* `(delete ,head (,tail)) `(create ,head (,tail ,ob2 blob)) ops))))) (error "crack line" line)))))))) (define (git-revert ref sha1) (let ((ops (git-commit-reverse-operations sha1))) (git-update-ref ref (lambda (master) (git-commit-tree (munge-tree master ops) master "revert change" #f)) 5))) (define (munge-tree1-local dents command arg) (define (command-error why) (error "munge-tree1-local error" why command arg)) (let ((dent (assoc (car arg) dents))) (git-mktree (case command ((create) (if dent (command-error 'file-present) (cons arg dents))) ((delete) (if dent (delq dent dents) (command-error 'file-not-present))) ((rename) (if dent (acons (cadr arg) (cdr dent) (delq dent dents)) (command-error 'file-not-present))) (else (command-error 'unrecognized)))))) (define (munge-tree1-recursive dents command ldir rdir arg) (define (command-error why) (error "munge-tree1-recursive error" why command dir arg)) (let ((dent (assoc ldir dents))) (if (and dent (not (eq? (caddr dent) 'tree))) (command-error 'not-a-tree)) (let ((subtree (and=> dent cadr)) (other-dents (if dent (delq dent dents) dents))) (let ((new (case command ((create) (munge-tree1 subtree command rdir arg)) ((delete rename) (if subtree (munge-tree1 subtree command rdir arg) (command-error 'file-not-present))) (else (command-error 'unrecognized))))) (git-mktree (if new (cons (list ldir new 'tree) other-dents) other-dents)))))) (define (munge-tree1 treeish command dir arg) (let ((dents (git-ls-tree treeish #f))) (if (null? dir) (munge-tree1-local dents command arg) (munge-tree1-recursive dents command (car dir) (cdr dir) arg)))) ;; (munge-tree sha1 ((create (key comments) (name sha1 blob)) ;; (delete (foo bar) (name)) ;; (rename (baz borky) (from to)))) (define (munge-tree treeish operations) (if (null? operations) treeish (let ((op (car operations))) (munge-tree (munge-tree1 treeish (car op) (cadr op) (caddr op)) (cdr operations))))) (define (parse-commit commit) (let ((text (git "cat-file" "commit" commit))) (match-bind "\n\n(.*)$" text (_ message) (acons 'message message (match-lines (substring text 0 (- (string-length text) (string-length _))) "^([^ ]+) (.*)$" (_ k v) (cons (string->symbol k) v)))))) (define (commit-utc-timestamp commit) (match-bind "^(.*) ([0-9]+) ([+-][0-9]+)" (assq-ref (parse-commit commit) 'committer) (_ who ts tz) (let ((ts (string->number ts)) (tz (string->number tz))) (- ts (* (+ (* (quotient tz 100) 60) (remainder tz 100)) 60))))) (define (with-output-to-blob* thunk) (git-hash-object (with-output-to-string thunk))) (define-macro (with-output-to-blob . forms) `(,with-output-to-blob* (lambda () ,@forms))) (define (with-input-from-blob* sha1 thunk) (with-input-from-string (git "show" sha1) thunk)) (define-macro (with-input-from-blob sha1 . forms) `(,with-input-from-blob* ,sha1 (lambda () ,@forms)))