==== UPGRADE instructions ==== === From version 0.92 to 0.93 === - Backup your database - Make a copy from your SemanticScuttle Web directory - Upgrade your database by following instructions ONE after ONE (order is important) : #NOTHING TO CHANGE IN DB - Upgrade your current configuration file (config.inc.php) with respect to config.inc.php.example $adminsCanModifyBookmarksFromOtherUsers = true; # 'true' if admin users can edit or delete bookmarks belonging to other users. Else 'false'. $adminsAreAdvisedTagsFromOtherAdmins = false; # 'true' if tags from other admins are proposed to each admin (in add/edit a bookmark page). Else 'false'. === From version 0.91 to 0.92 === Message: this version modifies the database to UTF-8 charset. The idea is to convert the content (through BLOB type) and then to change the tables' charsets. - Backup your database - Make a copy from your SemanticScuttle Web directory - Upgrade your database by following instructions ONE after ONE (order is important) : /* modify and add fields */ ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` MODIFY `bAddress` varchar(1500) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` MODIFY `bDescription` TEXT default NULL; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` ADD `bPrivateNote` TEXT NULL AFTER `bDescription` ; ALTER TABLE `sc_tags` MODIFY `tDescription` TEXT default NULL; ALTER TABLE `sc_commondescription` MODIFY `cdDescription` TEXT default NULL; /* convert to UTF-8 if your table is ISO-something (through BLOB: tips provided by MYSQL documentation)*/ /* first need to remove index keys because of BLOB constraints*/ ALTER TABLE `sc_tags` DROP INDEX `sc_tags_tag_uId`; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks2tags` DROP INDEX `sc_bookmarks2tags_tag_bId`; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks2tags` DROP INDEX `sc_bookmarks2tags_bId`; ALTER TABLE `sc_tags2tags` DROP INDEX `sc_tags2tags_tag1_tag2_uId`; ALTER TABLE `sc_commondescription` DROP INDEX `sc_commondescription_tag_datetime`; ALTER TABLE `sc_tagscache` DROP INDEX `sc_tagscache_tag1_tag2_type_uId`; ALTER TABLE `sc_tagsstats` DROP INDEX `sc_tagsstats_tag1_type_uId`; /* secondly convert through BLOB type */ ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` CHANGE `bTitle` `bTitle` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` CHANGE `bTitle` `bTitle` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` CHANGE `bAddress` `bAddress` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` CHANGE `bAddress` `bAddress` varchar(1500) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` CHANGE `bDescription` `bDescription` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` CHANGE `bDescription` `bDescription` text CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` CHANGE `bPrivateNote` `bPrivateNote` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` CHANGE `bPrivateNote` `bPrivateNote` text CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_tags` CHANGE `tag` `tag` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_tags` CHANGE `tag` `tag` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_tags` CHANGE `tDescription` `tDescription` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_tags` CHANGE `tDescription` `tDescription` text CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks2tags` CHANGE `tag` `tag` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks2tags` CHANGE `tag` `tag` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_users` CHANGE `name` `name` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_users` CHANGE `name` `name` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_users` CHANGE `uContent` `uContent` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_users` CHANGE `uContent` `uContent` text CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_tags2tags` CHANGE `tag1` `tag1` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_tags2tags` CHANGE `tag1` `tag1` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_tags2tags` CHANGE `tag2` `tag2` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_tags2tags` CHANGE `tag2` `tag2` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_tagsstats` CHANGE `tag1` `tag1` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_tagsstats` CHANGE `tag1` `tag1` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_tagscache` CHANGE `tag1` `tag1` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_tagscache` CHANGE `tag1` `tag1` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_tagscache` CHANGE `tag2` `tag2` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_tagscache` CHANGE `tag2` `tag2` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_commondescription` CHANGE `tag` `tag` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_commondescription` CHANGE `tag` `tag` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_commondescription` CHANGE `cdTitle` `cdTitle` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_commondescription` CHANGE `cdTitle` `cdTitle` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_commondescription` CHANGE `cdDescription` `cdDescription` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_commondescription` CHANGE `cdDescription` `cdDescription` text CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_searchhistory` CHANGE `shTerms` `shTerms` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_searchhistory` CHANGE `shTerms` `shTerms` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE `sc_searchhistory` CHANGE `shRange` `shRange` BLOB; ALTER TABLE `sc_searchhistory` CHANGE `shRange` `shRange` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8; /* Thirdly re-add index keys */ ALTER TABLE `sc_tags` ADD UNIQUE KEY `sc_tags_tag_uId` (`tag`, `uId`); ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks2tags` ADD UNIQUE KEY `sc_bookmarks2tags_tag_bId` (`tag`,`bId`); ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks2tags` ADD KEY `sc_bookmarks2tags_bId` (`bId`); ALTER TABLE `sc_tags2tags` ADD UNIQUE KEY `sc_tags2tags_tag1_tag2_uId` (`tag1`,`tag2`,`relationType`,`uId`); ALTER TABLE `sc_commondescription` ADD UNIQUE KEY `sc_commondescription_tag_datetime` (`tag`,`cdDatetime`); ALTER TABLE `sc_tagscache` ADD UNIQUE KEY `sc_tagscache_tag1_tag2_type_uId` (`tag1`,`tag2`,`relationType`,`uId`); ALTER TABLE `sc_tagsstats` ADD UNIQUE KEY `sc_tagsstats_tag1_type_uId` (`tag1`,`relationType`,`uId`); /* Change tables to utf-8 charset */ ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE `sc_tags` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks2tags` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE `sc_users` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE `sc_watched` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE `sc_tags2tags` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE `sc_tagsstats` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE `sc_tagscache` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE `sc_commondescription` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ALTER TABLE `sc_searchhistory` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; - Upgrade your current configuration file (config.inc.php) with respect to config.inc.php.example * Add variable : $descriptionAnchors = array("author", "isbn", "address"=>"[address][street][/street][city][/city][/address]"); #add a possible anchor (structured content) for bookmarks' description field * Add variable : $enableCommonTagDescriptionEditedByAll = true; #true mean everybody can edit common description. Else just the admins can do it. * Add variable : $googleAnalyticsCode = ''; #Allow GoogleAnalytics tracker https://www.google.com/analytics/ === From version 0.90 to 0.91 === - Backup you database - Make a copy from your SemanticScuttle Web directory - Upgrade your database by following instructions ONE after ONE (order is important) : * ALTER TABLE `sc_bookmarks` CHANGE `bDescription` `bDescription` VARCHAR( 1500 ) * CREATE TABLE `sc_tagscache` ( `tcId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `tag1` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `tag2` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `relationType` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `uId` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`tcId`), UNIQUE KEY `sc_tagscache_tag1_tag2_type_uId` (`tag1`,`tag2`,`relationType`,`uId`) ); - Upgrade your current configuration file (config.inc.php) with respect to config.inc.php.example * Delete last line : include_once('debug.inc.php'); * Add variable: $menu2Tags = array('example', 'of', 'menu', 'tags'); * Add variable: $debugMode = true; # if true, show debug messages === From version 0.89 to 0.90 === - Backup you database - Make a copy from your SemanticScuttle Web directory - Upgrade your current configuration file (config.inc.php) with respect to config.inc.php.example # add these lines under $enableWebsiteThumbnails = false; # enableWebsiteThumbnails {true|false}: $thumbnailsUserId = ''; $thumbnailsKey = ''; === From version 0.88 to 0.89 === - Backup you database - Make a copy from your SemanticScuttle Web directory - Upgrade your database by following instructions ONE after ONE (order is important) : * change the table called 'sc_tags' into 'sc_bookmarks2tags' by executing the following SQL commands (after changing 'yourdatabasename' and adapting its name prefix 'sc_' to your convenience): RENAME TABLE `yourdatabasename`.`sc_tags` TO `yourdatabasename`.`sc_bookmarks2tags` ; * add the following table (adapt its name prefix to your convenience) executing the following SQL commands: CREATE TABLE `sc_searchhistory` ( `shId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `shTerms` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `shRange` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `shDatetime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `shNbResults` int(6) NOT NULL default '0', `uId` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`shId`) ); CREATE TABLE `sc_tags` ( `tId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `tag` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `uId` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `tDescription` varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`tId`), UNIQUE KEY `sc_tags_tag_uId` (`tag`, `uId`) ); - Upgrade your current configuration file (config.inc.php) with respect to config.inc.php.example # add line: $sizeSearchHistory = 10; # add sidebar block index line: $index_sidebar_blocks = array('search','menu','users','popular'); # add line: $enableGoogleCustomSearch = true;