* @author Christian Weiske * @author Eric Dane * @license GPL http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @link http://sourceforge.net/projects/semanticscuttle */ if (!defined('PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD')) { define('PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD', 'Bookmark2TagTest::main'); } require_once 'prepare.php'; /** * Unit tests for the SemanticScuttle bookmark-tag combination service. * * @category Bookmarking * @package SemanticScuttle * @author Benjamin Huynh-Kim-Bang * @author Christian Weiske * @author Eric Dane * @license GPL http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @link http://sourceforge.net/projects/semanticscuttle */ class Bookmark2TagTest extends TestBase { protected $us; protected $bs; protected $ts; protected $tts; /** * Used to run this test class standalone * * @return void */ public static function main() { require_once 'PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php'; PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run( new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite(__CLASS__) ); } protected function setUp() { $this->us = SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory::get('User'); $this->us->deleteAll(); $this->bs = SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory::get('Bookmark'); $this->bs->deleteAll(); $this->b2ts= SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory::get('Bookmark2Tag'); $this->b2ts->deleteAll(); $this->tts = SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory::get('Tag2Tag'); $this->tts->deleteAll(); $this->tsts = SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory::get('TagStat'); $this->tsts->deleteAll(); $this->vs = SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory::get('Vote'); $this->vs->deleteAll(); } /** * Test getTagsForBookmark() when the bookmark has no tags * * @return void */ public function testGetTagsForBookmarkNone() { $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array('forz', 'barz')); $bid = $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array()); $this->assertEquals( array(), $this->b2ts->getTagsForBookmark($bid) ); } /** * Test getTagsForBookmark() when the bookmark has one tag * * @return void */ public function testGetTagsForBookmarkOne() { $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array('forz', 'barz')); $bid = $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array()); $this->b2ts->attachTags($bid, array('foo')); $this->assertEquals( array('foo'), $this->b2ts->getTagsForBookmark($bid) ); } /** * Test getTagsForBookmark() when the bookmark has thr tags * * @return void */ public function testGetTagsForBookmarkThr() { $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array('forz', 'barz')); $bid = $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array()); $this->b2ts->attachTags($bid, array('foo', 'bar', 'fuu')); $tags = $this->b2ts->getTagsForBookmark($bid); $this->assertInternalType('array', $tags); $this->assertContains('foo', $tags); $this->assertContains('bar', $tags); $this->assertContains('fuu', $tags); } /** * Test getTagsForBookmarks() when no bookmarks have tags. * * @return void */ public function testGetTagsForBookmarksNone() { $bid1 = $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array()); $bid2 = $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array()); $alltags = $this->b2ts->getTagsForBookmarks( array($bid1, $bid2) ); $this->assertInternalType('array', $alltags); $this->assertEquals(2, count($alltags)); $this->assertInternalType('array', $alltags[$bid1]); $this->assertInternalType('array', $alltags[$bid2]); $this->assertEquals(0, count($alltags[$bid1])); $this->assertEquals(0, count($alltags[$bid2])); } /** * Test getTagsForBookmarks() when most bookmarks have tags. * * @return void */ public function testGetTagsForBookmarksMost() { $bid1 = $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array()); $this->b2ts->attachTags($bid1, array('foo', 'bar', 'fuu')); $bid2 = $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array()); $this->b2ts->attachTags($bid2, array('foo', 'bar2', 'fuu2')); $bid3 = $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array()); $this->b2ts->attachTags($bid3, array('foo', 'bar2', 'fuu3')); $bid4 = $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array()); //no tags //bookmark that does not get queried //http://sourceforge.net/projects/semanticscuttle/forums/forum/759510/topic/3752670 $bid5 = $this->addBookmark(null, null, 0, array()); $this->b2ts->attachTags($bid5, array('foo', 'bar2', 'fuu5')); $alltags = $this->b2ts->getTagsForBookmarks( array($bid1, $bid2, $bid3, $bid4) ); $this->assertInternalType('array', $alltags); foreach ($alltags as $bid => $btags) { $this->assertInternalType('array', $btags); if ($bid == $bid1) { $this->assertEquals(3, count($btags)); $this->assertContains('foo', $btags); $this->assertContains('bar', $btags); $this->assertContains('fuu', $btags); } else if ($bid == $bid2) { $this->assertEquals(3, count($btags)); $this->assertContains('foo', $btags); $this->assertContains('bar2', $btags); $this->assertContains('fuu2', $btags); } else if ($bid == $bid3) { $this->assertEquals(3, count($btags)); $this->assertContains('foo', $btags); $this->assertContains('bar2', $btags); $this->assertContains('fuu3', $btags); } else if ($bid == $bid4) { $this->assertEquals(0, count($btags)); } else { $this->assertTrue(false, 'Unknown bookmark id'); } } } /** * Create a bookmark * * @param integer $user User ID the bookmark shall belong * @param array $tags Array of tags to attach. If "null" is given, * it will automatically be "unittest" * @param string $date strtotime-compatible string * @param string $title Bookmark title * * @return integer ID of bookmark */ protected function addTagBookmark($user, $tags, $date = null, $title = null) { return $this->addBookmark( $user, null, 0, $tags, $title, $date ); } /** * Fetch the most popular tags in descending order * * @covers SemanticScuttle_Service_Bookmark2Tag::getPopularTags */ public function testGetPopularTagsOrder() { $user = $this->addUser(); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'two')); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'thr')); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'two')); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags(); $this->assertInternalType('array', $arTags); $this->assertEquals(3, count($arTags)); $this->assertInternalType('array', $arTags[0]); $this->assertEquals( array( array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '3'), array('tag' => 'two', 'bCount' => '2'), array('tag' => 'thr', 'bCount' => '1') ), $arTags ); } /** * @covers SemanticScuttle_Service_Bookmark2Tag::getPopularTags */ public function testGetPopularTagsLimit() { $user = $this->addUser(); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'two')); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'thr')); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'two')); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags(); $this->assertInternalType('array', $arTags); $this->assertEquals(3, count($arTags)); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags(null, 2); $this->assertInternalType('array', $arTags); $this->assertEquals(2, count($arTags)); $this->assertEquals( array( array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '3'), array('tag' => 'two', 'bCount' => '2'), ), $arTags ); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags(null, 1); $this->assertInternalType('array', $arTags); $this->assertEquals(1, count($arTags)); $this->assertEquals( array( array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '3'), ), $arTags ); } /** * @covers SemanticScuttle_Service_Bookmark2Tag::getPopularTags */ public function testGetPopularTagsDays() { $user = $this->addUser(); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'two'), 'today'); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'thr'), 'today'); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'two'), '-1 day 1 hour'); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'thr'), '-3 days 1 hour'); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags(null, 10, null, 1); $this->assertInternalType('array', $arTags); $this->assertEquals(3, count($arTags)); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '2'), $arTags); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'two', 'bCount' => '1'), $arTags); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'thr', 'bCount' => '1'), $arTags); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags(null, 10, null, 2); $this->assertInternalType('array', $arTags); $this->assertEquals(3, count($arTags)); $this->assertEquals( array( array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '3'), array('tag' => 'two', 'bCount' => '2'), array('tag' => 'thr', 'bCount' => '1'), ), $arTags ); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags(null, 10, null, 5); $this->assertInternalType('array', $arTags); $this->assertEquals(3, count($arTags)); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '4'), $arTags); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'two', 'bCount' => '2'), $arTags); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'thr', 'bCount' => '2'), $arTags); } /** * @covers SemanticScuttle_Service_Bookmark2Tag::getPopularTags */ public function testGetPopularTagsExcludesSystemTags() { $user = $this->addUser(); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'system:test')); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'system:unittest')); $this->addTagBookmark($user, array('one', 'sys:unittest')); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags(); $this->assertInternalType('array', $arTags); $this->assertEquals(2, count($arTags)); $this->assertEquals( array( array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '3'), array('tag' => 'sys:unittest', 'bCount' => '1'), ), $arTags ); } /** * @covers SemanticScuttle_Service_Bookmark2Tag::getPopularTags */ public function testGetPopularTagsUserTags() { $user1 = $this->addUser(); $user2 = $this->addUser(); $user3 = $this->addUser(); $this->addTagBookmark($user1, array('one')); $this->addTagBookmark($user2, array('one', 'two')); $this->addTagBookmark($user2, array('two')); $this->addTagBookmark($user3, array('one', 'thr')); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags($user1); $this->assertEquals(1, count($arTags)); $this->assertEquals( array( array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '1'), ), $arTags ); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags($user2); $this->assertEquals(2, count($arTags)); $this->assertEquals( array( array('tag' => 'two', 'bCount' => '2'), array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '1'), ), $arTags ); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags(array($user2, $user3)); $this->assertEquals(3, count($arTags)); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '2'), $arTags); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'two', 'bCount' => '2'), $arTags); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'thr', 'bCount' => '1'), $arTags); } /** * @covers SemanticScuttle_Service_Bookmark2Tag::getPopularTags */ public function testGetPopularTagsPublicOnly() { $user1 = $this->addUser(); $this->addBookmark($user1, null, 0, array('one')); $this->addBookmark($user1, null, 1, array('one', 'two')); $this->addBookmark($user1, null, 2, array('thr')); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($arTags)); $this->assertEquals( array( array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '1'), ), $arTags ); $user1 = $this->addUser(); $this->addBookmark($user1, null, 0, array('one')); $this->addBookmark($user1, null, 1, array('one', 'two')); $this->addBookmark($user1, null, 2, array('thr')); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags($user1); $this->assertEquals(1, count($arTags)); $this->assertEquals( array( array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '1'), ), $arTags ); } /** * @covers SemanticScuttle_Service_Bookmark2Tag::getPopularTags */ public function testGetPopularTagsUserPrivatesWhenLoggedIn() { $user1 = $this->addUser(); $this->addBookmark($user1, null, 0, array('one')); $this->addBookmark($user1, null, 1, array('one', 'two')); $this->addBookmark($user1, null, 2, array('thr')); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getPopularTags($user1, 10, $user1); $this->assertEquals(3, count($arTags)); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'one', 'bCount' => '2'), $arTags); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'two', 'bCount' => '1'), $arTags); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'thr', 'bCount' => '1'), $arTags); } public function testGetAdminTags() { $admin1 = $this->addUser('admin1'); $admin2 = $this->addUser('admin2'); $user1 = $this->addUser(); $this->addBookmark($admin1, null, 0, array('admintag', 'admintag1')); $this->addBookmark($admin2, null, 0, array('admintag', 'admintag2')); $this->addBookmark($user1, null, 0, array('usertag')); $GLOBALS['admin_users'] = array('admin1', 'admin2'); $arTags = $this->b2ts->getAdminTags(4); $this->assertEquals(3, count($arTags)); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'admintag', 'bCount' => '2'), $arTags); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'admintag1', 'bCount' => '1'), $arTags); $this->assertContains(array('tag' => 'admintag2', 'bCount' => '1'), $arTags); } } if (PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD == 'Bookmark2TagTest::main') { Bookmark2TagTest::main(); } ?>