------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dojox.widget Collection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 Release date: 10/31/2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project state: experimental | beta ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits Peter Higgins (dante) Karl Tiedt (ktiedt@gmail.com) Wolfram Kriesing (http://wolfram.kriesing.de/blog/): Rating ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project description This is a collection of standalone widgets for use in your website. Each individual widget is independant of the others. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies: Each widget has it's own requirements and dependencies. Most inherit from dijit base-classes such as dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated, etc ... So we will assume the availablility of dojo (core), and dijit packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation Please refer to the API-tool, or in-line documentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation instructions These are standalone Widgets, so putting the [widget].js file in your dojox/widget folder, and copying any files in the /dojox/widget/[widget]/ folder as supplements/templates/etc should be all you need to do. eg: FisheyeList: /dojox/widget/FisheyeList.js /dojox/widget/FisheyeList/blank.gif /dojox/widget/FisheyeList/FisheyeList.css should be all you need to use the Fisheye widget. you can safely import the whole widget project into your dojox/ root directory from the following SVN url: http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/dojo/dojox/widget ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Notes (Brief widget list): * ColorPicker - Photoshop-like color picker * FileInput - experimental dijit-like input type="file" * FileInputAuto/Blind - extension to FileInput for added flair/automation * FisheyeList - the classic FishEye Picker * Iterator - Basic array and datastore iterator class * Loader - an experimental Class that listens to XHR connections in the background, and displays a loading indicator. * MultiComboBox - an experimental ComboBox that allows multiple entries bases on a separator character. * SortList - a degradable UL with a fixed header, scrolling, and sorting. Can be the direct descendat of a LayoutContainer and will size to fit. * TimeSpinner - a number spinner that revolves through time constrainsts * Toaster - a messaging system to display non-obstrusive alerts on screen. * Wizard - a StackContainer with built-in navigation to ease in the creation of 'step-based' content. Requires dojo >= 1.1