if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.rpc.Service"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dojox.rpc.Service"] = true; dojo.provide("dojox.rpc.Service"); dojo.require("dojo.AdapterRegistry"); dojo.declare("dojox.rpc.Service", null, { constructor: function(smd, options){ //summary: //Take a string as a url to retrieve an smd or an object that is an smd or partial smd to use //as a definition for the service // // smd: object // Takes a number of properties as kwArgs for defining the service. It also // accepts a string. When passed a string, it is treated as a url from // which it should synchronously retrieve an smd file. Otherwise it is a kwArgs // object. It accepts serviceUrl, to manually define a url for the rpc service // allowing the rpc system to be used without an smd definition. strictArgChecks // forces the system to verify that the # of arguments provided in a call // matches those defined in the smd. smdString allows a developer to pass // a jsonString directly, which will be converted into an object or alternatively // smdObject is accepts an smdObject directly. // var url; var _this = this; function processSmd(smd){ smd._baseUrl = new dojo._Url(location.href,url || '.') + ''; _this._smd = smd; //generate the methods for(var serviceName in _this._smd.services){ _this[serviceName]=_this._generateService(serviceName, _this._smd.services[serviceName]); } } if(smd){ //if the arg is a string, we assume it is a url to retrieve an smd definition from if( (dojo.isString(smd)) || (smd instanceof dojo._Url)){ if (smd instanceof dojo._Url){ url = smd + ""; }else{ url = smd; } var text = dojo._getText(url); if(!text){ throw new Error("Unable to load SMD from " + smd) }else{ processSmd(dojo.fromJson(text)); } }else{ processSmd(smd); } } if (options){this._options = options} this._requestId=0; }, _generateService: function(serviceName, method){ if(this[method]){ throw new Error("WARNING: "+ serviceName+ " already exists for service. Unable to generate function"); } method.name = serviceName; var func = dojo.hitch(this, "_executeMethod",method); var transport = dojox.rpc.transportRegistry.match(method.transport || this._smd.transport); if (transport.getExecutor) func = transport.getExecutor(func,method,this); var schema = method.returns || (method._schema = {}); // define the schema schema._idPrefix = serviceName +'/'; // schemas are minimally used to track the id prefixes for the different services dojox.rpc.services[serviceName] = func; // register the service schema._service = func; func.serviceName = serviceName; func._schema = schema; return func; }, _executeMethod: function(method){ var args = []; var i; for (i=1; i< arguments.length; i++){ args.push(arguments[i]); } var smd = this._smd; if (method.parameters && method.parameters[0] && method.parameters[0].name && (args.length==1) && dojo.isObject(args[0])){ // if it is the parameters are not named in the definition, then we should use ordered params, otherwise try to determine by parameters args = args[0]; // inherit root-level parameters if (smd.parameters && smd.parameters[0]){ for (i=0; i< smd.parameters.length; i++){ if (smd.parameters[i]["name"] && smd.parameters[i]["default"]){ args[smd.parameters[i]["name"]] = smd.parameters[i]["default"]; } } } } if (dojo.isObject(this._options)){ args = dojo.mixin(args, this._options); } var envelope = method.envelope || smd.envelope || "NONE"; var envDef = dojox.rpc.envelopeRegistry.match(envelope); var schema = method._schema || method.returns; // serialize with the right schema for the context; var request = envDef.serialize.apply(this, [smd, method, args]); var contentType = (method.contentType || smd.contentType || request.contentType); var isJson = (contentType + '').match(/application\/json/); // this allows to mandate synchronous behavior from elsewhere when necessary, this may need to be changed to be one-shot in FF3 new sync handling model dojo.mixin(request,{sync : dojox.rpc._sync, handleAs : isJson ? "json" : "text", contentType : contentType, target : request.target || dojox.rpc.getTarget(smd, method), transport: method.transport || smd.transport || request.transport, envelope: method.envelope || smd.envelope || request.envelope, timeout: method.timeout || smd.timeout, callbackParamName: method.callbackParamName || smd.callbackParamName, preventCache: method.preventCache || smd.preventCache}); var deferred = (method.restMethod || dojox.rpc.transportRegistry.match(request.transport).fire).call(this,request); deferred.addBoth(dojo.hitch(this,function(results){ // if it is an application/json content type, than it should be handled as json // we have to do conversion here instead of in XHR so that we can set the currentSchema before running it results = envDef.deserialize.call(this,isJson ? dojox.rpc.resolveJson(results,schema) : results); return results; })); return deferred; } }); dojox.rpc.getTarget = function(smd, method){ var dest=smd._baseUrl; if (smd.target){ dest = new dojo._Url(dest,smd.target) + ''; } if (method.target){ dest = new dojo._Url(dest,method.target) + ''; } return dest; } dojox.rpc.toNamed=function(method, args, strictParams){ var i; if (!dojo.isArray(args)){ if (strictParams){ //verify that all required parameters were supplied for (i=0; i