if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.encoding.compression.lzw"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dojox.encoding.compression.lzw"] = true; dojo.provide("dojox.encoding.compression.lzw"); dojo.require("dojox.encoding.bits"); (function(){ var _bits = function(x){ var w = 1; for(var v = 2; x >= v; v <<= 1, ++w); return w; }; dojox.encoding.compression.lzw.Encoder = function(n){ this.size = n; this.init(); }; dojo.extend(dojox.encoding.compression.lzw.Encoder, { init: function(){ this.dict = {}; for(var i = 0; i < this.size; ++i){ this.dict[String.fromCharCode(i)] = i; } this.width = _bits(this.code = this.size); this.p = ""; }, encode: function(value, stream){ var c = String.fromCharCode(value), p = this.p + c, r = 0; // if already in the dictionary if(p in this.dict){ this.p = p; return r; } stream.putBits(this.dict[this.p], this.width); // if we need to increase the code length if((this.code & (this.code + 1)) == 0){ stream.putBits(this.code++, r = this.width++); } // add new string this.dict[p] = this.code++; this.p = c; return r + this.width; }, flush: function(stream){ if(this.p.length == 0){ return 0; } stream.putBits(this.dict[this.p], this.width); this.p = ""; return this.width; } }); dojox.encoding.compression.lzw.Decoder = function(n){ this.size = n; this.init(); }; dojo.extend(dojox.encoding.compression.lzw.Decoder, { init: function(){ this.codes = new Array(this.size); for(var i = 0; i < this.size; ++i){ this.codes[i] = String.fromCharCode(i); } this.width = _bits(this.size); this.p = -1; }, decode: function(stream){ var c = stream.getBits(this.width), v; if(c < this.codes.length){ v = this.codes[c]; if(this.p >= 0){ this.codes.push(this.codes[this.p] + v.substr(0, 1)); } }else{ if((c & (c + 1)) == 0){ this.codes.push(""); ++this.width; return ""; } var x = this.codes[this.p]; v = x + x.substr(0, 1); this.codes.push(v); } this.p = c; return v; } }); })(); }