if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore"] = true; dojo.provide("dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore"); dojo.require("dojox.data.KeyValueStore"); dojo.require("dojo.data.api.Read"); dojo.require("dojo.data.api.Identity"); dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource = function(type){ // summary: // A simple helper function for getting the sample data used in each of the tests. // description: // A simple helper function for getting the sample data used in each of the tests. var dataSource = {}; var filepath = "stores/properties.js"; if(dojo.isBrowser){ dataSource.url = dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.data.tests", filepath).toString(); }else{ // When running tests in Rhino, xhrGet is not available, // so we have the file data in the code below. var keyData = "/*["; // Properties of December 1, 2007 keyData += '{ "year": "2007" },'; keyData += '{ "nmonth": "12" },'; keyData += '{ "month": "December" },'; keyData += '{ "nday": "1" },'; keyData += '{ "day": "Saturday" },'; keyData += '{ "dayOfYear": "335" },'; keyData += '{ "weekOfYear": "48" }'; keyData += ']*/'; dataSource.data = keyData; } return dataSource; //Object } dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.verifyItems = function(keyStore, items, attribute, compareArray){ // summary: // A helper function for validating that the items array is ordered // the same as the compareArray if(items.length != compareArray.length){ return false; } for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ if(!(keyStore.getValue(items[i], attribute) === compareArray[i])){ return false; //Boolean } } return true; //Boolean } dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error = function(t, d, errData){ // summary: // The error callback function to be used for all of the tests. for (i in errData) { console.log(errData[i]); } d.errback(errData); } doh.register("dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore", [ function testReadAPI_fetch_all(t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on KeyValueStore. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on KeyValueStore. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/properties.js"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completedAll(items){ t.assertTrue((items.length === 7)); d.callback(true); } //Get everything... keyStore.fetch({ onComplete: completedAll, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_all_withEmptyStringField(t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on KeyValueStore. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on KeyValueStore. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource(); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completedAll(items){ t.assertTrue((items.length === 7)); d.callback(true); } //Get everything... keyStore.fetch({ onComplete: completedAll, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_one(t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on KeyValueStore of a single item. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on KeyValueStore of a single item. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource(); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.is(1, items.length); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetch({ query: {key: "year"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d) }); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_Multiple(t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on KeyValueStore of a single item. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on KeyValueStore of a single item. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource(); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); var done = [false, false]; function onCompleteOne(items, request){ done[0] = true; t.is(1, items.length); if(done[0] && done[1]){ d.callback(true); } } function onCompleteTwo(items, request){ done[1] = true; t.is(1, items.length); if(done[0] && done[1]){ d.callback(true); } } try { keyStore.fetch({ query: {key: "year"}, onComplete: onCompleteOne, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d) }); keyStore.fetch({ query: {key: "month"}, onComplete: onCompleteTwo, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d) }); } catch(e) { for (i in e) { console.log(e[i]); } } return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_MultipleMixed(t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on KeyValueStore of a single item. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on KeyValueStore of a single item. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource(); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); var done = [false, false]; function onComplete(items, request){ done[0] = true; t.is(1, items.length); if(done[0] && done[1]){ d.callback(true); } } function onItem(item){ done[1] = true; t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.is('year', keyStore.getValue(item,"key")); t.is(2007, keyStore.getValue(item,"value")); t.is(2007, keyStore.getValue(item,"year")); if(done[0] && done[1]){ d.callback(true); } } keyStore.fetch({ query: {key: "day"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d) }); keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "year", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_all_streaming(t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on KeyValueStore. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on KeyValueStore. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource(); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); count = 0; function onBegin(size, requestObj){ t.assertTrue(size === 7); } function onItem(item, requestObj){ t.assertTrue(keyStore.isItem(item)); count++; } function onComplete(items, request){ t.is(7, count); t.is(null, items); d.callback(true); } //Get everything... keyStore.fetch({ onBegin: onBegin, onItem: onItem, onComplete: onComplete, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d) }); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_paging(t){ // summary: // Test of multiple fetches on a single result. Paging, if you will. // description: // Test of multiple fetches on a single result. Paging, if you will. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource(); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function dumpFirstFetch(items, request){ t.is(5, items.length); request.start = 3; request.count = 1; request.onComplete = dumpSecondFetch; keyStore.fetch(request); } function dumpSecondFetch(items, request){ t.is(1, items.length); request.start = 0; request.count = 5; request.onComplete = dumpThirdFetch; keyStore.fetch(request); } function dumpThirdFetch(items, request){ t.is(5, items.length); request.start = 2; request.count = 20; request.onComplete = dumpFourthFetch; keyStore.fetch(request); } function dumpFourthFetch(items, request){ t.is(5, items.length); request.start = 9; request.count = 100; request.onComplete = dumpFifthFetch; keyStore.fetch(request); } function dumpFifthFetch(items, request){ t.is(0, items.length); request.start = 2; request.count = 20; request.onComplete = dumpSixthFetch; keyStore.fetch(request); } function dumpSixthFetch(items, request){ t.is(5, items.length); d.callback(true); } function completed(items, request){ t.is(7, items.length); request.start = 1; request.count = 5; request.onComplete = dumpFirstFetch; keyStore.fetch(request); } keyStore.fetch({onComplete: completed, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_getLabel(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getLabel function against a store set that has a label defined. // description: // Simple test of the getLabel function against a store set that has a label defined. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource(); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 1); var label = keyStore.getLabel(items[0]); t.assertTrue(label !== null); t.assertEqual("year", label); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetch({ query: {key: "year"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d) }); return d; }, function testReadAPI_getLabelAttributes(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getLabelAttributes function against a store set that has a label defined. // description: // Simple test of the getLabelAttributes function against a store set that has a label defined. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource(); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 1); var labelList = keyStore.getLabelAttributes(items[0]); t.assertTrue(dojo.isArray(labelList)); t.assertEqual("key", labelList[0]); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetch({ query: {key: "year"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d) }); return d; }, function testReadAPI_getValue(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getValue function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the getValue function of the store. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.is("nday", keyStore.getValue(item,"key")); t.is(1, keyStore.getValue(item,"value")); t.is(1, keyStore.getValue(item,"nday")); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "nday", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testReadAPI_getValue_2(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getValue function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the getValue function of the store. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.is("day", keyStore.getValue(item,"key")); t.is("Saturday", keyStore.getValue(item,"value")); t.is("Saturday", keyStore.getValue(item,"day")); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "day", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testReadAPI_getValue_3(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getValue function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the getValue function of the store. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.is("dayOfYear", keyStore.getValue(item,"key")); t.is(335, keyStore.getValue(item,"value")); t.is(335, keyStore.getValue(item,"dayOfYear")); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "dayOfYear", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testReadAPI_getValue_4(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getValue function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the getValue function of the store. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.is("weekOfYear", keyStore.getValue(item,"key")); t.is(48, keyStore.getValue(item,"value")); t.is(48, keyStore.getValue(item,"weekOfYear")); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "weekOfYear", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testReadAPI_getValues(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getValues function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the getValues function of the store. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); var names = keyStore.getValues(item,"year"); t.assertTrue(dojo.isArray(names)); t.is(1, names.length); t.is(2007, names[0]); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "year", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testIdentityAPI_fetchItemByIdentity(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "year", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testIdentityAPI_fetchItemByIdentity_bad1(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item === null); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "y3ar", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testIdentityAPI_fetchItemByIdentity_bad2(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item === null); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "-1", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testIdentityAPI_fetchItemByIdentity_bad3(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item === null); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "999999", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testIdentityAPI_getIdentity(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.is(7, items.length); t.is(keyStore.getIdentity(items[0]), 'year'); t.is(keyStore.getIdentity(items[1]), 'nmonth'); t.is(keyStore.getIdentity(items[2]), 'month'); t.is(keyStore.getIdentity(items[3]), 'nday'); t.is(keyStore.getIdentity(items[4]), 'day'); t.is(keyStore.getIdentity(items[5]), 'dayOfYear'); t.is(keyStore.getIdentity(items[6]), 'weekOfYear'); d.callback(true); } //Get everything... keyStore.fetch({ onComplete: completed, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testIdentityAPI_getIdentityAttributes(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getIdentityAttributes // description: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(keyStore.isItem(item)); t.assertEqual("key", keyStore.getIdentityAttributes(item)); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "year", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testReadAPI_isItem(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the isItem function of the store // description: // Simple test of the isItem function of the store var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(keyStore.isItem(item)); t.assertTrue(!keyStore.isItem({})); t.assertTrue(!keyStore.isItem({ item: "not an item" })); t.assertTrue(!keyStore.isItem("not an item")); t.assertTrue(!keyStore.isItem(["not an item"])); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "year", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testReadAPI_hasAttribute(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the hasAttribute function of the store // description: // Simple test of the hasAttribute function of the store var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.assertTrue(keyStore.hasAttribute(item, "key")); t.assertTrue(keyStore.hasAttribute(item, "value")); t.assertTrue(keyStore.hasAttribute(item, "year")); t.assertTrue(!keyStore.hasAttribute(item, "Year")); t.assertTrue(!keyStore.hasAttribute(item, "Nothing")); t.assertTrue(!keyStore.hasAttribute(item, "Title")); //Test that null attributes throw an exception var passed = false; try{ keyStore.hasAttribute(item, null); }catch (e){ passed = true; } t.assertTrue(passed); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "year", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testReadAPI_containsValue(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the containsValue function of the store // description: // Simple test of the containsValue function of the store var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.assertTrue(keyStore.containsValue(item, "year", "2007")); t.assertTrue(keyStore.containsValue(item, "value", "2007")); t.assertTrue(keyStore.containsValue(item, "key", "year")); t.assertTrue(!keyStore.containsValue(item, "Title", "Alien2")); t.assertTrue(!keyStore.containsValue(item, "Year", "1979 ")); t.assertTrue(!keyStore.containsValue(item, "Title", null)); //Test that null attributes throw an exception var passed = false; try{ keyStore.containsValue(item, null, "foo"); }catch (e){ passed = true; } t.assertTrue(passed); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "year", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testReadAPI_getAttributes(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getAttributes function of the store // description: // Simple test of the getAttributes function of the store var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.assertTrue(keyStore.isItem(item)); var attributes = keyStore.getAttributes(item); t.is(3, attributes.length); for(var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++){ t.assertTrue((attributes[i] === "year" || attributes[i] === "value" || attributes[i] === "key")); } d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "year", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testReadAPI_getAttributes_onlyTwo(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getAttributes function of the store // description: // Simple test of the getAttributes function of the store var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ // Test an item that does not have all of the attributes t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.assertTrue(keyStore.isItem(item)); var attributes = keyStore.getAttributes(item); t.assertTrue(attributes.length === 3); t.assertTrue(attributes[0] === "key"); t.assertTrue(attributes[1] === "value"); t.assertTrue(attributes[2] === "nmonth"); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "nmonth", onItem: onItem, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; }, function testReadAPI_getFeatures(t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getFeatures function of the store // description: // Simple test of the getFeatures function of the store var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var features = keyStore.getFeatures(); var count = 0; for(i in features){ t.assertTrue((i === "dojo.data.api.Read" || i === "dojo.data.api.Identity")); count++; } t.assertTrue(count === 2); }, function testReadAPI_fetch_patternMatch0(t){ // summary: // Function to test pattern matching of everything starting with lowercase e // description: // Function to test pattern matching of everything starting with lowercase e var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.is(2, items.length); var valueArray = [ "nmonth", "month"]; t.assertTrue(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.verifyItems(keyStore, items, "key", valueArray)); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetch({query: {key: "*month"}, onComplete: completed, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_patternMatch1(t){ // summary: // Function to test pattern matching of everything with $ in it. // description: // Function to test pattern matching of everything with $ in it. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/patterns.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.assertTrue(items.length === 2); var valueArray = [ "1", "Saturday"]; t.assertTrue(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.verifyItems(keyStore, items, "value", valueArray)); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetch({query: {key: "*day"}, onComplete: completed, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_patternMatch2(t){ // summary: // Function to test exact pattern match // description: // Function to test exact pattern match var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/patterns.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.is(2, items.length); t.assertTrue(keyStore.getValue(items[0], "value") === "12"); t.assertTrue(keyStore.getValue(items[0], "key") === "nmonth"); t.assertTrue(keyStore.getValue(items[1], "value") === "1"); t.assertTrue(keyStore.getValue(items[1], "key") === "nday"); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetch({query: {value: "1*"}, onComplete: completed, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_patternMatch_caseInsensitive(t){ // summary: // Function to test exact pattern match with case insensitivity set. // description: // Function to test exact pattern match with case insensitivity set. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/patterns.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.is(1, items.length); t.assertTrue(keyStore.getValue(items[0], "value") === "December"); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetch({query: {key: "MONth"}, queryOptions: {ignoreCase: true}, onComplete: completed, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_patternMatch_caseSensitive(t){ // summary: // Function to test exact pattern match with case insensitivity set. // description: // Function to test exact pattern match with case insensitivity set. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/patterns.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.is(0, items.length); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetch({query: {value: "DECEMberO"}, queryOptions: {ignoreCase: false}, onComplete: completed, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_sortAlphabetic(t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting alphabetic ordering. // description: // Function to test sorting alphabetic ordering. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/patterns.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ //Output should be in this order... var orderedArray = [ "day", "dayOfYear", "month", "nday", "nmonth", "weekOfYear", "year" ]; t.is(7, items.length); t.assertTrue(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.verifyItems(keyStore, items, "key", orderedArray)); d.callback(true); } var sortAttributes = [{attribute: "key"}]; keyStore.fetch({sort: sortAttributes, onComplete: completed, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_sortAlphabeticDescending(t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting alphabetic ordering in descending mode. // description: // Function to test sorting alphabetic ordering in descending mode. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/patterns.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ //Output should be in this order... var orderedArray = [ "year", "weekOfYear", "nmonth", "nday", "month", "dayOfYear", "day" ]; t.is(7, items.length); t.assertTrue(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.verifyItems(keyStore, items, "key", orderedArray)); d.callback(true); } var sortAttributes = [{attribute: "key", descending: true}]; keyStore.fetch({sort: sortAttributes, onComplete: completed, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_sortMultiple(t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting on multiple attributes. // description: // Function to test sorting on multiple attributes. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/patterns.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ var orderedArray1 = [ "123abc", "123abc", "123abc", "123abcdefg", "BaBaMaSaRa***Foo", "bar*foo", "bit$Bite", "foo*bar", "jfq4@#!$!@Rf14r14i5u", undefined ]; var orderedArray0 = [ "day", "dayOfYear", "month", "nday", "nmonth", "weekOfYear", "year" ]; var orderedArray1 = [ "Saturday", "335", "December", "1", "12", "48", "2007" ]; t.is(7, items.length); t.assertTrue(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.verifyItems(keyStore, items, "key", orderedArray0)); t.assertTrue(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.verifyItems(keyStore, items, "value", orderedArray1)); d.callback(true); } var sortAttributes = [{ attribute: "key"}, { attribute: "value", descending: true}]; keyStore.fetch({sort: sortAttributes, onComplete: completed, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_fetch_sortMultipleSpecialComparator(t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting on multiple attributes with a custom comparator. // description: // Function to test sorting on multiple attributes with a custom comparator. var args = dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv"); var keyStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(args); keyStore.comparatorMap = {}; keyStore.comparatorMap["key"] = function(a,b){ var ret = 0; // We want to sort keys alphabetical by the last character in the string function lastChar(name){ if(typeof name === "undefined"){ return undefined; } return name.slice(name.length-1); // Grab the last character in the string. } var lastCharA = lastChar(a); var lastCharB = lastChar(b); if(lastCharA > lastCharB || typeof lastCharA === "undefined"){ ret = 1; }else if(lastCharA < lastCharB || typeof lastCharB === "undefined"){ ret = -1; } return ret; }; var sortAttributes = [{attribute: "key", descending: true}, { attribute: "value", descending: true}]; var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, findResult){ var orderedArray = [5,4,0,3,2,1,6]; var orderedArray = [ "day", "nday", "weekOfYear", "dayOfYear", "year", "month", "nmonth" ]; t.assertTrue(items.length === 7); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ if(!(keyStore.getIdentity(items[i]) === orderedArray[i])){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); d.callback(true); } keyStore.fetch({sort: sortAttributes, onComplete: completed, onError: dojo.partial(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.error, t, d)}); return d; //Object }, function testReadAPI_functionConformance(t){ // summary: // Simple test read API conformance. Checks to see all declared functions are actual functions on the instances. // description: // Simple test read API conformance. Checks to see all declared functions are actual functions on the instances. var testStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv")); var readApi = new dojo.data.api.Read(); var passed = true; for(i in readApi){ if(i.toString().charAt(0) !== '_') { var member = readApi[i]; //Check that all the 'Read' defined functions exist on the test store. if(typeof member === "function"){ console.log("Looking at function: [" + i + "]"); var testStoreMember = testStore[i]; if(!(typeof testStoreMember === "function")){ console.log("Problem with function: [" + i + "]. Got value: " + testStoreMember); passed = false; break; } } } } t.assertTrue(passed); }, function testIdentityAPI_functionConformance(t){ // summary: // Simple test identity API conformance. Checks to see all declared functions are actual functions on the instances. // description: // Simple test identity API conformance. Checks to see all declared functions are actual functions on the instances. var testStore = new dojox.data.KeyValueStore(dojox.data.tests.stores.KeyValueStore.getDatasource("stores/movies.csv")); var identityApi = new dojo.data.api.Identity(); var passed = true; for(i in identityApi){ if(i.toString().charAt(0) !== '_') { var member = identityApi[i]; //Check that all the 'Read' defined functions exist on the test store. if(typeof member === "function"){ console.log("Looking at function: [" + i + "]"); var testStoreMember = testStore[i]; if(!(typeof testStoreMember === "function")){ passed = false; break; } } } } t.assertTrue(passed); } ] ); }