/**** dijit.form.TextBox dijit.form.ValidationTextBox dijit.form.SerializableTextBox dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox dijit.form.NumberTextBox dijit.form.CurrencyTextBox dijit.form.NumberSpinner dijit.form.ComboBox (partial) ****/ .tundra .dijitInputField INPUT, .tundra .dijitTextBox, .tundra .dijitComboBox, .tundra .dijitSpinner { margin: 0em 0.1em; } .tundra .dijitTextBox, .tundra .dijitComboBox, .tundra .dijitSpinner, .tundra .dijitInlineEditor input { /* For all except dijit.form.NumberSpinner: the actual input element. For TextBox, ComboBox, Spinner: the table that contains the input. Otherwise the actual input element. */ background:#fff url("../images/validationInputBg.png") repeat-x top left; #background:#fff url('../images/validationInputBg.gif') repeat-x top left; border:1px solid #b3b3b3; line-height: normal; } .tundra .dijitComboBox .dijitButtonNode { padding: 0 0.2em; } .tundra .dijitComboBox .dijitButtonNode, .tundra .dijitSpinner .dijitButtonNode { /* line between the input area and the drop down button */ border-color: #9b9b9b; } .tundra .dijitTextBoxFocused, .tundra .dijitComboBoxFocused, .tundra .dijitSpinnerFocused { /* input field when focused (ie: typing affects it) */ border-color:#406b9b; } .tundra .dijitComboBoxFocused .dijitButtonNode, .tundra .dijitSpinnerFocused .dijitButtonNode { border-left-color:#366dba; } .tundra .dijitSpinnerFocused .dijitDownArrowButton { border-top-color:#366dba; } .tundra .dijitError { border-color:#f3d118; background-color:#f9f7ba; background-image:none; } .dj_ie6 .tundra .dijitError INPUT { /* background-color: transparent on an doesn't work on IE6 */ background-color:#f9f7ba !important; } .tundra .dijitErrorFocused { background-color:#ff6; background-image:none; } .dj_ie6 .tundra .dijitErrorFocused INPUT { /* background-color: transparent on an doesn't work on IE6 */ background-color:#ff6 !important; } /* Validation errors */ .tundra .dijitValidationIcon { /* prevent height change when widget goes from valid to invalid state */ width: 16px; background: transparent url('../images/warning.png') no-repeat center center; } /* inline edit boxen */ .tundra .dijitInlineValue { /* span around an inline-editable value when NOT in edit mode */ padding:3px; margin:4px; } /* MOW: trying to get this to look like a mini-dialog. Advised? */ .tundra .dijitInlineEditor { /* fieldset surrounding an inlineEditor in edit mode */ display: inline-block; display: -moz-inline-stack; #display:inline; /* border-style: solid; border-color: #7788a0 #344257 #344257 #7788a0; border-width:1px 2px 2px 1px; -moz-border-radius:0px 2px 0px 2px; make BL and TR corners indent on Moz so it looks like we have a shadow background-color:white; */ } .dijitInlineEditor .saveButton, .dijitInlineEditor .cancelButton { margin:3px 3px 3px 0px; } .RichTextEditable { border:1px solid #bfbfbf; border-top:0; } /* * IE6: can't display PNG images with gradient transparency. * Want to use filter property for those images, but then need to specify a path relative * to the main page, rather than relative to this file... using gifs for now */ .dj_ie6 .tundra .dijitInputField { background: url("../images/validationInputBg.gif") repeat-x top left #fff; }