dojo.require(""); var TestStorage = { currentProvider: "default", currentNamespace:, initialize: function(){ //console.debug("test_storage.initialize()"); // do we even have a storage provider? if( == false){ var o = document.createElement("option"); o.appendChild(document.createTextNode("None")); o.value = "None"; o.selected = true; var selector = dojo.byId("currentStorageProvider"); selector.disabled = true; selector.appendChild(o); alert("No storage provider is available on this browser"); return; } // what should our starting namespace be? this._determineCurrentNamespace(); // clear out old values and enable input forms dojo.byId("storageNamespace").value = this.currentNamespace; dojo.byId("storageNamespace").disabled = false; dojo.byId("storageKey").value = ""; dojo.byId("storageKey").disabled = false; dojo.byId("storageValue").value = ""; dojo.byId("storageValue").disabled = false; // write out available providers this._printAvailableProviders(); // write out our available namespaces this._printAvailableNamespaces(); // write out our available keys this._printAvailableKeys(); // initialize our event handlers var providerDirectory = dojo.byId("currentStorageProvider"); dojo.connect(providerDirectory, "onchange", this, this.providerChange); var namespaceDirectory = dojo.byId("namespaceDirectory"); dojo.connect(namespaceDirectory, "onchange", this, this.namespaceChange); var directory = dojo.byId("directory"); dojo.connect(directory, "onchange", this, this.directoryChange); var storageValueElem = dojo.byId("storageValue"); dojo.connect(storageValueElem, "onkeyup", this, this.printValueSize); // make the directory be unselected if the key name field gets focus var keyNameField = dojo.byId("storageKey"); dojo.connect(keyNameField, "onfocus", function(evt){ directory.selectedIndex = -1; }); // add onclick listeners to all of our buttons var buttonContainer = dojo.byId("buttonContainer"); var currentChild = buttonContainer.firstChild; while(currentChild.nextSibling != null){ if(currentChild.nodeType == 1){ var buttonName =; var functionName = buttonName.match(/^(.*)Button$/)[1]; dojo.connect(currentChild, "onclick", this, this[functionName]); currentChild.disabled = false; } currentChild = currentChild.nextSibling; } // print out metadata this._printProviderMetadata(); // disable the configuration button if none is supported for this provider if( == false){ dojo.byId("configureButton").disabled = true; } }, providerChange: function(evt){ var provider =; // reload the page with this provider var query = ""; if(window.location.href.indexOf("forceStorageProvider") == -1){ query = "?"; }else{ query = "&"; } window.location.href += query + "forceStorageProvider=" + provider; }, namespaceChange: function(evt){ var ns =; this.currentNamespace = ns; // update our available keys this._printAvailableKeys(); // clear out our key and values dojo.byId("storageNamespace").value = this.currentNamespace; dojo.byId("storageKey").value = ""; dojo.byId("storageValue").value = ""; }, directoryChange: function(evt){ var key =; // add this value into the form var keyNameField = dojo.byId("storageKey"); keyNameField.value = key; this._handleLoad(key); }, load: function(evt){ // cancel the button's default behavior evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); // get the key to load var key = dojo.byId("storageKey").value; if(key == null || typeof key == "undefined" || key == ""){ alert("Please enter a key name"); return; } this._handleLoad(key); }, save: function(evt){ // cancel the button's default behavior evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); // get the new values var key = dojo.byId("storageKey").value; var value = dojo.byId("storageValue").value; var namespace = dojo.byId("storageNamespace").value; if(key == null || typeof key == "undefined" || key == ""){ alert("Please enter a key name"); return; } if(value == null || typeof value == "undefined" || value == ""){ alert("Please enter a key value"); return; } // print out the size of the value this.printValueSize(); // do the save this._save(key, value, namespace); }, clearNamespace: function(evt){ // cancel the button's default behavior evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation();; this._printAvailableNamespaces(); this._printAvailableKeys(); }, configure: function(evt){ // cancel the button's default behavior evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if({ // redraw our keys after the dialog is closed, in // case they have all been erased var self = this; = function(){ self._printAvailableKeys(); } // show the dialog; } }, remove: function(evt){ // cancel the button's default behavior evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); // determine what key to delete; if the directory has a selected value, // use that; otherwise, use the key name field var directory = dojo.byId("directory"); var keyNameField = dojo.byId("storageKey"); var keyValueField = dojo.byId("storageValue"); var key; if(directory.selectedIndex != -1){ key = directory.value; // delete this option var options = directory.childNodes; for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++){ if(options[i].nodeType == 1 && options[i].value == key){ directory.removeChild(options[i]); break; } } }else{ key = keyNameField.value; } keyNameField.value = ""; keyValueField.value = ""; // now delete the value this._printStatus("Removing '" + key + "'..."); if(this.currentNamespace =={; }else{, this.currentNamespace); } // update our UI this._printAvailableNamespaces(); this._printStatus("Removed '" + key); }, printValueSize: function(){ var storageValue = dojo.byId("storageValue").value; var size = 0; if(storageValue != null && typeof storageValue != "undefined"){ size = storageValue.length; } // determine the units we are dealing with var units; if(size < 1024) units = " bytes"; else{ units = " K"; size = size / 1024; size = Math.round(size); } size = size + units; var valueSize = dojo.byId("valueSize"); valueSize.innerHTML = size; }, saveBook: function(evt){ this._printStatus("Loading book..."); var d = dojo.xhrGet({ url: "resources/testBook.txt", handleAs: "text" }); d.addCallback(dojo.hitch(this, function(results){ this._printStatus("Book loaded"); this._save("testBook", results); })); d.addErrback(dojo.hitch(this, function(error){ alert("Unable to load testBook.txt: " + error); })); if(!typeof evt != "undefined" && evt != null){ evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } return false; }, saveXML: function(evt){ this._printStatus("Loading XML..."); var d = dojo.xhrGet({ url: "resources/testXML.xml", handleAs: "text" }); d.addCallback(dojo.hitch(this, function(results){ this._printStatus("XML loaded"); this._save("testXML", results); })); d.addErrback(dojo.hitch(this, function(error){ alert("Unable to load testXML.xml: " + error); })); if(!typeof evt != "undefined" && evt != null){ evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } return false; }, _save: function(key, value, namespace){ this._printStatus("Saving '" + key + "'..."); var self = this; var saveHandler = function(status, keyName){ //console.debug("saveHandler, status="+status+", keyName="+keyName); if(status =={ alert("You do not have permission to store data for this web site. " + "Press the Configure button to grant permission."); }else if(status =={ // clear out the old value dojo.byId("storageKey").value = ""; dojo.byId("storageValue").value = ""; self._printStatus("Saved '" + key + "'"); if(typeof namespace != "undefined" && namespace != null){ self.currentNamespace = namespace; } self._printAvailableKeys(); self._printAvailableNamespaces(); } }; try{ if(namespace =={, value, saveHandler); }else{, value, saveHandler, namespace); } }catch(exp){ alert(exp); } }, _printAvailableKeys: function(){ var directory = dojo.byId("directory"); // clear out any old keys directory.innerHTML = ""; // add new ones var availableKeys; if(this.currentNamespace =={ availableKeys =; }else{ availableKeys =; } for (var i = 0; i < availableKeys.length; i++){ var optionNode = document.createElement("option"); optionNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(availableKeys[i])); optionNode.value = availableKeys[i]; directory.appendChild(optionNode); } }, _printAvailableNamespaces: function(){ var namespacesDir = dojo.byId("namespaceDirectory"); // clear out any old namespaces namespacesDir.innerHTML = ""; // add new ones var availableNamespaces =; for (var i = 0; i < availableNamespaces.length; i++){ var optionNode = document.createElement("option"); optionNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(availableNamespaces[i])); optionNode.value = availableNamespaces[i]; if(this.currentNamespace == availableNamespaces[i]){ optionNode.selected = true; } namespacesDir.appendChild(optionNode); } }, _handleLoad: function(key){ this._printStatus("Loading '" + key + "'..."); // get the value var results; if(this.currentNamespace =={ results =; }else{ results =, this.currentNamespace); } // jsonify it if it is a JavaScript object if(typeof results != "string"){ results = dojo.toJson(results); } // print out its value this._printStatus("Loaded '" + key + "'"); dojo.byId("storageValue").value = results; // print out the size of the value this.printValueSize(); }, _printProviderMetadata: function(){ var storageType =; var isSupported =; var maximumSize =; var permanent =; var uiConfig =; var moreInfo = ""; if( == ""){ moreInfo = "Flash Version " +; } dojo.byId("currentStorageProvider").innerHTML = storageType; dojo.byId("isSupported").innerHTML = isSupported; dojo.byId("isPersistent").innerHTML = permanent; dojo.byId("hasUIConfig").innerHTML = uiConfig; dojo.byId("maximumSize").innerHTML = maximumSize; dojo.byId("moreInfo").innerHTML = moreInfo; }, _printStatus: function(message){ // remove the old status var top = dojo.byId("top"); for (var i = 0; i < top.childNodes.length; i++){ var currentNode = top.childNodes[i]; if (currentNode.nodeType == 1 && currentNode.className == "status"){ top.removeChild(currentNode); } } var status = document.createElement("span"); status.className = "status"; status.innerHTML = message; top.appendChild(status); dojo.fadeOut({node: status, duration: 2000}).play(); }, _determineCurrentNamespace: function(){ // what is current namespace? var availableNamespaces =; if(this.currentNamespace =={ // do we even have the default namespace in our available namespaces? var defaultPresent = false; for(var i = 0; i < availableNamespaces.length; i++){ if(availableNamespaces[i] =={ defaultPresent = true; } } if(!defaultPresent && availableNamespaces.length){ this.currentNamespace = availableNamespaces[0]; } } }, _printAvailableProviders: function(){ // it is scary that this timeout is needed; if it is not present, // the options don't appear on Firefox and Safari, even though the // page is finished loading! it might have to do with some strange // interaction where our initialize method is called from ExternalInterface, // which originated inside of Flash. -- Brad Neuberg window.setTimeout(function(){ var selector = dojo.byId("currentStorageProvider"); var p =; for(var i = 0; i < p.length; i++){ var name = p[i].declaredClass; var o = document.createElement("option"); o.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); o.value = name; if( == p[i]){ o.selected = true; } selector.appendChild(o); } }, 1); } }; // wait until the storage system is finished loading if( == false){ // storage might already be loaded when we get here dojo.connect(, "loaded", TestStorage, TestStorage.initialize); }else{ dojo.connect(dojo, "loaded", TestStorage, TestStorage.initialize); }