<?php /*************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2006 Scuttle project http://sourceforge.net/projects/scuttle/ http://scuttle.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ***************************************************************************/ require_once 'www-header.php'; /* Service creation: only useful services are created */ $tag2tagservice = SemanticScuttle_Service_Factory :: get('Tag2Tag'); /* Managing all possible inputs */ isset($_POST['confirm']) ? define('POST_CONFIRM', $_POST['confirm']): define('POST_CONFIRM', ''); isset($_POST['cancel']) ? define('POST_CANCEL', $_POST['cancel']): define('POST_CANCEL', ''); isset($_POST['tag1']) ? define('POST_TAG1', $_POST['tag1']): define('POST_TAG1', ''); isset($_POST['linkType']) ? define('POST_LINKTYPE', $_POST['linkType']): define('POST_LINKTYPE', ''); isset($_POST['tag2']) ? define('POST_TAG2', $_POST['tag2']): define('POST_TAG2', ''); isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? define('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']): define('HTTP_REFERER', ''); /* Managing current logged user */ $currentUser = $userservice->getCurrentObjectUser(); //permissions if(!$userservice->isloggedOn()) { $tplVars['error'] = T_('Permission denied.'); $templateservice->loadTemplate('error.500.tpl', $tplVars); exit(); } /* Managing path info */ if(isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) { $exploded = explode('/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); if(count($exploded) == 3) { list ($url, $tag1, $tag2) = explode('/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); } else { list ($url, $tag1) = explode('/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); $tag2 = ''; } } else { $url = $tag1 = $tag2 = ''; } if (POST_CONFIRM) { $tag = POST_TAG1; $linkType = POST_LINKTYPE; $newTag = POST_TAG2; if ($tag2tagservice->removeLinkedTags(POST_TAG1, POST_TAG2, POST_LINKTYPE, $currentUser->getId())) { $tplVars['msg'] = T_('Tag link deleted'); header('Location: '. createURL('bookmarks', $currentUser->getUsername().'/'.$tag)); } else { $tplVars['error'] = T_('Failed to delete the link'); $templateservice->loadTemplate('error.500.tpl', $tplVars); exit(); } } elseif (POST_CANCEL) { header('Location: '. createURL('bookmarks', $currentUser->getUsername() .'/'. $tag1)); } $tplVars['links'] = $tag2tagservice->getLinks($currentUser->getId()); $tplVars['tag1'] = $tag1; $tplVars['tag2'] = $tag2; $tplVars['subtitle'] = T_('Delete Link Between Tags') .': '. $tag1.' > '.$tag2; $tplVars['formaction'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $tplVars['referrer'] = HTTP_REFERER; $templateservice->loadTemplate('tag2tagdelete.tpl', $tplVars); ?>