Translating SemanticScuttle

SemanticScuttle uses gnu gettext for translation. It does not
rely on the php extension but ships with a pure php implementation,

Using gettext from within the code is really easy:
Enclose the string you want to translate in a "T_" function call.

For example, to translate
> echo "Vote for";
just write
> echo T_("Vote for");

Translation basics

We keep one base translation file, data/locales/messages.po.
This file is auto-generated via xgettext from all our php source files.
In case you added a new string to the code that needs translation,
update the base translation file by running
> php scripts/update-translation-base.php.

After that has been done, the changes to the base messages.po file
need to be merged into the single language translation files,
for example data/locales/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po.

Updating them from the master file is as easy as running
> php scripts/update-translation.php de_DE

When the translation is ready, the .po file needs to be compiled
in a machine-readable .mo file. Use
> php scripts/compile-translation.php de_DE
to achieve that.
