setUnittestConfig( array('defaults' => array('privacy' => 2)) ); /* create user without RSS private Key */ list($req, $uId) = $this->getLoggedInRequest(null, true, false, false); /* create private bookmark */ $this->bs->addBookmark( 'http://test', 'test', 'desc', 'note', 2,//private array(), null, null, false, false, $uId ); /* create public bookmark */ $this->bs->addBookmark( '', 'title', 'desc', 'priv', 0,//public array(), null, null, false, false, $uId ); /* get user details */ $user = $this->us->getUser($uId); $req->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST); $req->setUrl($this->getTestUrl('/' . $user['username'] . '?sort=date_desc')); $response = $req->send(); $response_body = $response->getBody(); $rss = simplexml_load_string($response_body); $items = $rss->channel->item; $this->assertEquals(1, count($items), 'Incorrect Number of RSS Items'); $this->assertEquals('title', (string)$items[0]->title); }//end testNoRSSPrivateKeyEnabled /** * Test a user who has RSS private key setup * with private bookmark. */ public function testRSSPrivateKeyEnabled() { $this->setUnittestConfig( array('defaults' => array('privacy' => 2)) ); /* create user with RSS private Key */ list($req, $uId) = $this->getLoggedInRequest(null, true, false, true); /* create private bookmark */ $this->bs->addBookmark( 'http://test', 'test', 'desc', 'note', 2,//private array(), null, null, false, false, $uId ); /* create public bookmark */ $this->bs->addBookmark( '', 'title', 'desc', 'priv', 0,//public array(), null, null, false, false, $uId ); /* get user details */ $user = $this->us->getUser($uId); $req->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST); $req->setUrl($this->getTestUrl('/' . $user['username'] . '?sort=date_desc&privatekey=' . $user['privatekey'])); $response = $req->send(); $response_body = $response->getBody(); $rss = simplexml_load_string($response_body); $items = $rss->channel->item; $this->assertEquals(2, count($items), 'Incorrect Number of RSS Items'); }//end testRSSPrivateKeyEnabled }//end class www_rssTest ?>