<?php require_once('sidebar.linkedtags.inc.php'); /* Manage input */ $userid = isset($userid)?$userid:0; $user = isset($user)?$user:null; $logged_on_userid = $userservice->getCurrentUserId(); if ($logged_on_userid === false) { $logged_on_userid = NULL; } $cat_url = createURL('tags', '%s'); $menu2Tags = $GLOBALS['menu2Tags']; if (count($menu2Tags) > 0) { ?> <h2><?php echo T_('Featured Menu Tags');?></h2> <div id="maintagsmenu" <?php echo 'title="'.T_('This menu is composed of keywords (tags) organized by admins.').'"'?>> <ul> <?php //this is unneeded and replaced by the ajax tree anyway. we keep it for // non-js browsers foreach ($menu2Tags as $menu2Tag) { echo ' <li>' . sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', sprintf($cat_url, $menu2Tag), $menu2Tag ) . '</li>' . "\n"; } ?> </ul> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery("#maintagsmenu") .jstree({ "themes" : { "theme": "default", "dots": false, "icons": true, "url": '<?php echo ROOT_JS ?>themes/default/style.css' }, "json_data" : { "ajax" : { "url": function(node) { //-1 is root if (node == -1 ) { node = ""; } else if (node.attr('rel')) { node = node.attr('rel'); } else { return; } return "<?php echo ROOT ?>ajax/getadminlinkedtags.php?tag=" + node; } } }, plugins : [ "themes", "json_data"] }); </script> <?php } ?>