#+TITLE: Stupid Tool Installer #+STARTUP: showall #+HTML_HEAD: ~sti~ is a simplistic tool installer written in Bash. It offers simple commands to help installing little tools your or otherss have written. This document will try to explain to you how to use it. Bug reports, feature requests, asking for help, and such things can be sent to [[mailto:tom@ryuslash.org][tom@ryuslash.org]]. * Installation The =sti= source is stored in a git repository. It can be cloned from the URL ~git://ryuslash.org/sti.git~. Installing =sti= is simple. Just put the =sti= executable file somewhere in your =$PATH= and you can start using it. You can also download the executable anywhere and use it from there. Another option is to use =sti= to install itself. That way it should be easier to keep it updated as well. To do this, download sti from, for example, the git repository, and run it with the sti git repository url. For example: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ curl http://code.ryuslash.org/sti/plain/sti $ ./sti install git://ryuslash.org/sti.git #+END_EXAMPLE Since =sti= installs all executables in =~/usr/bin= you should make sure that this directory is included in =$PATH=.